My sons
set-drums Nathaniel.
Robert all else.
Vote for that Chaz on bass.
The end was
Why does the Bass player always get the smallest destructive device?
Dont answer I already know.
Great job!
Sounded great, Robert, great performance and production. Plus an exceptional music video
Crush smash a doll house; ask Pete …
Townsend if he would approve.
Thank you DavidP for saying hello.
I tried to introduce my two sons to music with this and that, all from what I knew and had. I’ve lost them, they are adults. Sometimes I get to see them on a YouTube. Yes, I see myself, as if in a mirror in their presentation.
I believe, DavidP, you are a greater encourager. Better than me, because you care about people and music. All of these words are just a thank you to you!
Thanks for watching my sons video. Hope you also saw the quite different “Beat Up Chevy” vid with thier siren guest singer released Dec 6.
Doesn’t matter really; just your comments and view helps considerably. …I’m still learning
…today Bee Gees > To Love Somebody from 1967. _R
Simply putting - very good. Both video and sound recording, instruments, vocals - very impressive.
Very much appreciate the encouragement!! _R