Thank you so much for your thoughts, your direction and just generally being a great human.
I like what we created thus far. The cake isn’t fully baked yet but I can’t wait to taste it.
Thank you so much for your thoughts, your direction and just generally being a great human.
I like what we created thus far. The cake isn’t fully baked yet but I can’t wait to taste it.
There’s nothing I want more than to tear out someone’s soul and swing it around in circles by the arms
Hello Dom, oh wow, what a great song .
Generally, I feel a lot of respect for everybody, who is writing/producing own songs. This involves so many different skills. It’s so much more than ‘just’ playing guitar.
Besides all that, I enjoyed this particular song very much. I love the atmosphere it creates.
The video fits well to the song - I really like the colours (and the Scottish? landscape) .
In the beginning, I also wondered, whether a bridge could add positively to the song. But I’m not convinced. You added some dynamics with your voice - I like that very much.
I think, you can really be proud of this song. It’s an absolute pleasure listening and watching it .
Thanks a lot for sharing .
Hi Nicole,
Thanks for your lovely encouragement. The scenery is all from Ireland other than the urban image at the start. Thanks to guru @brianlarsen for the suggestion of the video. My first.
When you mentioned the bridge, I thought you meant the one in the video but I get you now
Really well done on your first video .
Okay, Ireland - there are definitely similarities with the Scottish landscape .
Aww, thanks Dom
(but you’re making me homesick )
I’ve always been a visual guy and some of my favourite pieces of music are soundtracks. The other ones all have visualizations in my head.
I thought your new package worked really well and I much preferred it. I think the biggest payoff will come from your willingness/ability to be open to revisit and incorporate new ideas/suggestions. I know I sometimes feel ‘I did what I wanted (or as best I could)’ and just leave things like that.
You’re a creative guy and should grab that muse when it comes, for your own sake primarily. But it’s always good to share with those you think might be interested too
Keep it up.
Wonderful stuff Dom. I thought it was a great song and I preferred the second version over the first, it sounded a lot more professional.