Mini-barre blues

I’ve been tinkering around with a lot of blues study of late and was introduced to X9 chords. One shape in shape is giving me some issue.

The G9 is x32333. So the EBG strings are played with a mini barre using the ring finger. I noticed when I see others playing it their finger bends backward at the first knuckle to make that barre. Mine doesn’t do this at all. So the E string is often muted because I can’t depress it enough.

Anyone else have a similar issue? Is this a thing where I’ll eventually get that backward bend in the finger?

It is a new, and slightly awkward chord. Like all new chords, it will come in time with careful practice. In the meantime, know that the note sitting on the high E string, the one you are muting, is the 5 of the chord and is the least essential of all notes in the 9.
E9 = 1, 3, 5, b7, 9
5 can be omitted quite happily.


I can’t do the ring finger barre either. Like Richard said, you won’t miss the E on the 1 string if it’s muted.

9 chords are great in place of dominant 7 chords in the blues. I use all 4 fingers and move that shape all over the fret board with this shape:


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This fascinates me because when I first saw this chord it spooked me because I never had one problem with it and I love playing it, it was just natural cheers Hec