Good Day All,
So, i was thrilled after open mic XII that my phone did a pretty good job of picking up the three guitars and voice. However, i began researching getting a mic. Then learned i can’t just plug in the mic to the amp. There are powered speakers i could buy for the mic, but that made me nervous for future open mic sessions because that would be another competing audio source.
This great discussion by @jkahn got me thinking
So, I’m trying to figure out what is best for my scenario. The main idea is to ensure good audio for open mic if my family is playing along with me. At some point if everyone were home we could potentially have multiple guitars, keyboard, mics, and possibly a drum kit. I would like to be able to stream to zoom directly, but also hear ourselves through our amps/powered speakers and not have everyone on headphones. I don’t even know if this is possible.
Recording is not a priority at this time.
So, I found this mixer that I think may do what I want, but want to get feedback and recommendations. Perhaps an audio interface is better but prices seem to skyrocket after 4 inputs.
I appreciate any suggestions or thoughts,