MMS Lesson 2 Lesson on JustinGuitar

Let’s get into Position 1! There are a few different ways you should be practicing this, but it will all help you get super comfortable with the scale. View the full lesson at [MMS Lesson 2 | JustinGuitar](


The download links in lessons 1-10 are no longer active. All the resources are available to download in the Intro lesson - the eBook.

The Backing Track mentioned in lesson 10 is available here.

For a fun thing to watch, notice Justin’s big toe tapping as he is playing in thirds. as he is playing in thirds.

I know Justin is saying that it is important that we know where the chord tones are, using the barre E shape, but why? I fiddle with it and then go “OK, why?” I can make up the answer, but I have no way of having the context of “why.”

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When you improvise over a chord progression, you will often want to play notes that are in the chord that is playing at that particular moment. So, knowing where the chord tones are will be useful when you start improvising.

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I see, it makes sense. Thank you for the response.

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Hey guys where can we find the backing track to play over it?

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Under the introduction video and lesson 1 there is a down load link but seem to not to be working.

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I have reported the issue to the team - sorry for the inconvenience. Hopefully a fix will be applied soon.


The download links in lessons 1-10 are no longer active. ALl the resources are available to download in the Intro lesson - the eBook.

The Backing Track mentioned in lesson 10 is available here: Stream G Major Backing Track ( by justinguitar | Listen online for free on SoundCloud


Hey guys! When I’m soloing in the Key of G why does the note C feel off sometime? I don’t get it as C is the IV note in the Key of G so it should good?


The 4th and 7th of the major scale are the problem notes this is why the are left out of the Major Pentatonic scale. There is something about the semitone that seems to clash with the other notes in the scale.