Module 12 Practice Schedule

I think its a question we all ask I am on mod 10 struggling with C major scale alternate picking dont know why just am at the moment, i can play the scale normally no problem, the rest of the lessons i can do, as for the songs i try to pick some from BC 2 using the G,A and F chords so i can use weak finger G mini barre A and full barre F, have been on this mod since 26th July so when do i move on ? if i manage to crack the c scale picking will it help later on? you dont have to learn those songs you can pick some from the BC 2 list i`m sure there are others you can use power chords on

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Hi Medu,
I’m not a teacher myself, but I was rather happy most of the time with my progress. But well, possibly my expectations were just lower!
Just from my own experience, I think that it helped me to go forward when I was bored or felt I struggled too much so the time I spend with the guitar was not enough fun or had become inefficient.

BUT - I always took note of those skipped or uncompleted lessons to go back later, if I rated them important!
I think it helps to jump a bit here and there in order to have the most fun you can, while always trying to improve in some field that will pay off some time on your guitar journey. Often, I founmd I was coming back later and I had gotten better as if by magic at a seemingly unrelated thing I had problems with earlier.

I hope that in all my babble some things make sense somehow :slight_smile:
so yes, go on, and if you feel there’s still something missing, come back later and check the lesson you found important and possibly uncompleted.
Best regards,

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same here. I would say, if you feel like moving on, do so. You can still keep that thing that bothers you in your practice routine, I was also dropping items for some time and then coming back to them later. My practice routine has quite a few items that go in and out. I think the more fun you have, the better.

All the best,

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Do you really want to learn song 2 and ATST if not then move on

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