Module 19 Practice Routine

Here’s a suggested practice routine for Module 19. Enjoy it!

In this module (and also 18 I think) Justin suggest improvising using the Major scale. In module 17 he links to for the improvisation.

So for 18 and 19 are we to use the 3 thinnest strings (C major scale) or the full major scale with all strings?

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I’d advocate keeping it to the thinner 3 strings. Not only that most solos or impros are played there but restricting yourself to a limited number of notes will be more beneficially from a melody perspective. When @Richard_close2u wrote his wonderful set of Mode tutorials, all the exercises were squeezed into a tiny area of the neck. It works wonders for exploratory practice and you soon learn what works and what doesn’t.



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Thanks for that Toby. Thought that would be the case but wanted to check.



Are you able to have a backing track audible as you play along yet?
If yes - great - it is essential for this.

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I am and having been using the JG BT for this for a few days now. It’s a lot easier with the AI and headphones!

I’ve said this before but it still feels like playing random notes/sequences with no real joined up thinking to this.