Molly Malone AVOYP Happy St Patrick’s Day!

I’ve found the recent Vintage and Motivational Clubs really helpful, and also been going over Justin’s theory and practice modules again. I’ve also restarted a practice log and making some progress with accuracy, memorising the fretboard and triads. Joe Robinson’s session showed how important practice is, and how mistakes are normal which is reassuring!
I’ve been listening to some Irish folk from the Dubliners this week and Molly Malone caught my ear. I played around with various keys and went for an easy progression in G and just went for it! I tend to fingerpick rather than strum, but felt strumming gives a bit more energy to the song.


Grand stuff Richard and a happy St Patrick’s day to all our Irish friends here! I presume Mr Larsen is nursing a Guinness and / or a Whiskey right about now :slight_smile:


Nice one Richard. Am deep into a few beers here for St. Patrick’s day :shamrock: and I loved your version of an old Irish classic. You made me long for home!

Thanks, celebrated with some Irish friends but was driving so on the 0% Guinness!

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I’m looking forward to meeting Molly Malone’s statue in the summer, visiting Dublin with friends. Might try learning the words to the Irish Rover before we go as we have some music pubs to visit….!

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You will definitely have fun Richard and there are no shortage of good pubs to visit !

Solid rendition of this aul’ tune.
Well done :four_leaf_clover:

Became known as ‘the Tart with the Cart’ when unveiled in '88. Divides Dubliners, as her bronze bosom is shining due to all the tourists fondling her for good luck… :roll_eyes: :rofl:

For the ultimate Dublin song by the Dubliners, have a listen to The Mero.
Even seasoned locals don’t get a many of the references (some explained in the YT blurb)


What a great song, just looked up an explanation of all the characters and Dublin slang!

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Ah, great choice Richard. Slainte!

Hello Richard…you had me sing along all the way through! I love this tune, I used to fingerpick it and make it quite mellow with my girlish voice, but I love The Dubliners version and you did it really well. Thanks for sharing it!

Thank you!

Thank you, I was actually pointed towards Molly Malone by my 6 year old grandson who had been singing it at school recently! And a very catchy tune when it gets into your head.

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A little early for Patrick’s Day but here is the live version from my first Open Mic!
I made a New Years Resolution to play at an Open Mic this year and it happened much sooner than expected. I met up with @brianlarsen last week for a coffee and guitar chat. Brian mentioned there was an upcoming OM locally and encouraged me to attend.
I have never played in front of an audience before, usually playing on my own in the comfort of my own home! Brian kindly listened to a few of my songs and I settled on a couple of “easy” strummers, as I found even just playing in front of Brian (who is in no way intimidating!!) my fingers were all over the place and I went blank with some of the lyrics.
So last Friday I played Helpless by Neil Young and Molly Malone in front of an audience of about 30 guitarists. Brian videoed the performance for posterity.
I did join @LievenDV for his Guitar Club on playing live a few months ago but there was no opportunity for sound checks etc beforehand, once your turn comes you are on. Everyone was very helpful and supportive. A couple of basic errors, my guitar was slightly out of tune for Helpless, I forgot to put my glasses on and kept looking at the guitar! And minimalist guitar strumming.
But I was really pleased I took the plunge, and I managed to sing in tune and had the audience singing along with me which was encouraging.
And could lead down a new path in the guitar journey, might need a plug in acoustic and do the @JustinGuitar strumming course. Although I have just bought a classical guitar and trying some Spanish guitar. That’s the great thing about the guitar, there are so many avenues one can go down.
So to anyone thinking about doing an OM go for it. Apparently it’s a little less terrifying the second time!!


Hi Richard ,
That sounded like a fun party there…great :sunglasses: :smiley: :partying_face:


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A couple of wins there!

  • On stage with a bunch of gear around you and still you seem relaxed on the outside
  • The audience was singing with you, that means you did a tactical song choice as an ENTERTAINER. We are musicians but on stage we are, in the first place, entertainers.
  • You sang it higher than the first video and your voice is up to it. It sounded better and your timbre was really nice! I can imagine that it would hve gone even better if you were standing up this one. Your body can offer more/easier vocal support when standing up.

Don’t worry about hickups; identifying them (like you did) is the first step and doing more and more live occassions, even if only 1 song on a random moment, will fortify your stage routines.

As said, nothing but win here!

Thanks for your encouraging words Lieven, and for your Club sessions which have been so helpful.
Yes, I need to get a guitar strap! I’ve never played standing up so another skill to learn.


I started learning in 2020, and so glad I was given the advice to use a guitar strap from the ‘get-go’.

It effectively mimics the standing position and also ‘trains’ the body into a good posture, and hopefully out of bad habits harder to resolve further down the line.

I agree with @LievenDV 's point wrt to singing while standing, although by “sitting properly” , ie. upright, makes singing more productive too … just my pov.

Well played Richard, :clap: , you certainly had the audience with you, and looks like the OM was a great event. :ok_hand:

I have slight OM ‘envy’, nothing like that around here.

… onwards and upwards … standing, of course … :wink:

Richard @Richtrfc
Well done it sounded great.
Your first solo performance in front of an audience is something to be very proud of.

Congrats again on taking the plunge, Richard.
It’s a privilege to be a small cog in the wonderful machinery of the JG-machine :smiley:
You did ever so well (and far better than this dolt who only played one song and managed to make a dog’s dinner out of it :rofl:)
Does it get easier in time? :thinking: Not sure, but it certainly becomes less nerve-wracking!
Gold medal of the evening however, goes to your good missus who put up with 19 old codgers throwing shapes in a freezing hall, just to show support.
You’ve got a keeper there! :wink: