Moving forward from Grade -01 module 01

Hi ,

I started the program a week ago and have been practicing every day. I’ve never played guitar before, so this is my first time learning. After the first week, I can remember the A & D chord shapes, and I can perform chord changes 30+ times between A & D. However, the issue is that I cannot strum these chords with the pick. It sounds horrible even though I correctly place my fingers because I am either hitting the wrong strings or strumming at awkward angles. If I strum with my thumb, I can get the chords sounding perfect most of the time with 30+ per minute. I hope someone can offer some advice on how to improve strumming with a pick, or should I move on to module 2?


Hi Prashan, welcome to the Community here and congratulations on completing your first week on an awesome journey, it sounds like you’ve done well with your first couple of chords and changes.

To your question, I’d suggest focussing first on more the chord perfect exercises than getting the change numbers up when using the pick. At this stage definitely don’t be massively concerned with hitting some wrong strings, it’ll definitely come with time so stick with it using the pick. I see no harm in moving on, you’ll still be doing plenty more practice with A and D through grade 1, they’re not done yet! :wink:

Most of all keep having fun, you’re doing a terrific thing, all the best. Keep us posted on how you’re doing and don’t hesitate to ask for any advice here, you’ll get all the support you’ll want, if you want!


Hey! First of all congratulations on starting! You won’t regret it.
If you look at my post history you will find me complaining about the same thing: hating the sound of the pick compared to thumb strumming. I found that for me that’s because the softer thumb sound masks some imperfections. Honestly, the only thing that fixed that for me was persistence and time. At some point the chords you know will become easier and easier and you’ll be able to focus more on how you strum! Also with time the rhythm will feel more natural and things will just click at some point. Just keep it up and remember that in the future you will wonder how could you struggle with things that will be second nature by then.


awsome . thank you for the motivations. I will update the progress.

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Whoot whoot. Great job, :+1:t2:

That D chord is one of my favorite chords. It is so fun to play with. Keep up the practice.

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Your pick work will come with time and practice. As you move on to practicing and playing simple songs your pick work will improve rather quickly. Stick with it, don’t get discouraged everything will fall into place as you follow the course. I’m midway through the intermediate level and consistently surprise myself that I’m actually playing guitar.

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