Mrs McGrath

Great job, very enjoyable and the hard practice shows through. Really nice work on the playing and singing.

Cheers for that Stefan,
I’ve been putting in quite a shift on the practice lately, so good to know that it’s not all in vain!!

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That was really good Ruaridh, :clap: … a superb sounding guitar, btw, thanks in the main to the clarity and articulation of your picking of course … :wink:

Cheers Colin, it does like being tuned down to C where there is so much rich tone.
I found out what it can really sound like in more competent hands recently however when I leant it to a pro for a gig. Plenty to aim at for sure. Ha Ha.
Hope your OM song/s are shaping up.
If I get the chance to do two I’m going to do one very english and one very Scottish modern folk things