Muireean Bradley, look at those fingers fly!

The youtube algorithm delivered this to me the other day, and I was blown away. I’m not so into this style of blues as I find the lyrics to be a bit meandering, but the skill and the musicality, wow! This young lady is going to be a household name within a decade I reckon. Phenomenal talent.


Constance, thank you for sharing that! This young lady is remarkable. It’s always wonderful to hear someone play music that isn’t really “my thing”, yet still I’m engrossed. I wonder where her path will lead.

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I first heard her on Jools Holland’s New Year’s eve show - very impressive talent.

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Me too, the only thing is that I don’t think this style is commercial enough for her to get the recognition she deserves. The whole problem is that there’s so many brilliant artists out there who never get their full recognition by anyone other than the lovers of their musical style. The same thing applies universally across the different genres, the more obscure ones don’t get the same degree of recognition as the mainstream, such is the music industry.

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Couldn’t agree more. On one hand it’s much easier for an artist to create and publish their own music these days, but there is no much material out there, getting heard is so hard, especially if you’re not mainstream.


I posted this at the end of last year What are you currently listening to? 2023 - #635 by Socio

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I saw her on Jools’ new year show and was impressed.As has been said not really commercial enough for too much recognition which is a shame.

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It is a bit of a niche genre, but my thinking is that so young, she has her whole life to evolve and check out other genres, or take her base knowledge and build on it with her own music. There’s a lot of mainstream music that has roots in blues, and technically she’s a fantastic player, so it would be an easy move to make, if she found herself wanting to make it.

Another young Irish girl making a serious name for herself is Ally Sherlock. She started out busking on the streets of Cork and Dublin. Well worth googling her and checking out some of her stuff.


Such is life, I would say. The more people interested in your “product”, the more recognition you will get. Do you know who Kevin Martin is? He’s the best at what he does in the world, but somewhat less famous than Lionel Messi or LeBron James.

BTW, Kevin Martin is often regarded as the best mens’ curler in the world (I looked this up on google, I barely know what curling is :smirk: ).

FWIW, sometimes a performer is so good and so engaging, that they can bring their obscure music to the masses like Tommy Emmanuel and (more recently) Billy Strings.

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@ConstanceClaire and @Eddie_09 Thanks for sharing, I didn’t know Muireann nor Ally. Meanwhile I have listened to their albums and EPs, and I think both of them are seriously gifted.

Murieann’s covers reminded me that I always had wanted to learn more about the history of blues, so there are one or two :rabbit2: :hole:s out there for me in the future.

It’s interesting how remarkably different these two young women are singing. While Murieann’s singing some sounds a tad too sweet and pleasant in my ears, Ally sounds as if is she has grown up before her time.

It will be very interesting to follow how the careers of these talented young women will develop.


Yeah, she’s still out on the streets having a ball! She is a great singer and holds an undeniable attraction to her audience!
I first saw her when she was 13, she was pretty decent then!


Yup, he’s a Canadian Curler who’s nickname was The old bear or occasionally K-mart; he was a brilliant player! He was an Olympic champion and won several Canadian championships.

Hah! Cool