Music club camping weekend

Well over a decade ago, once I started playing guitar socially, my wife and I organised a camping music weekend at a local camp ground.

We invited 25 friends who also played music and had a lot of fun. Next one six months later we invited 35 people and then 45 for the one after that. The guy who runs the campground suggested we just book out the whole campground instead of all the individual bookings so we gave it a shot and had 75 people at the next one.

We originally did a pot luck meal on the friday night and it worked as an ice breaker bringing everyone into the covered area where some amazing jams happened.

Then I got on the committee of the music club that I’d been going to, many of the people we invited to the camping weekend were friends we’d made at the music club and the club asked if they could take over the camping event and promote it as a club event. We were happy with that and since then it’s been a very popular event within the club. Lots of music, frivolity and fun.

The weekends are typically themed, here’s a video I just got my hands on of the pirate themed one we did back in 2021.

For several years a group of us performed a musical skit, here’s a video of one we did where I got to star as Ernie


Hi Tony,

wow, this sounds like much fun and great weekends to enjoy! Cool stuff. :slight_smile:

You did well as Ernie, fun and entertaining to watch. :smiley:

Thanks for sharing this.

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Thanks for your kind words. It was FUN!

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What a great idea Tony, looks like quite a setup and such a great way for like minded people to just get together have some fun, swap info, learn and talk about their passion. Typically one of those things that starts off small and ends up exponentially growing :+1: :clap:

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Not too exponential at that campground, it’s limited to 75 people max. We are looking at another venue which would make 3 camps a year. woo hoo


That’s such a good idea, Tony :blush:. Your performance as Ernie was great, made me smile a lot :grinning:

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Hi Tony,
I know you’ve talked about it regularly…really nice to catch a glimpse :smiley: :sunglasses:

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That was brilliant, Tony and what a great story. I bet it’s one you all really look forward to every year.

Who’d have thought Benny Hill would have made it all the way down under.

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Yeah, he was a regular on TV here many years ago. Besides my buddy Dave who played and sang Ernie, we had a big jam at our property a couple of years ago where Dave sang and played Ernie and a local non musician friend of mine knew every word and sang along with great delight!

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Hi Tony, that’s awesome, looks like great fun :star_struck:. If Austria was a little closer to Australia, I’d definitely join you :smiley:.

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