Music Theory Module 3 Set to private

I’m trying to work through Practical Music Theory Module 3 and the videos are all set to private. I have a paid subscription so I don’t know why I cant access them. Anyone Else have this problem?

Thank you

paid subscription for the music theory or for something else ?

Practical Music Theory Expires Aug 2024. The other modules seem to work.

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Correction, Module 1 & 2 Work, everything after is set to private with the exception of one video in module 3.

that’s why I asked

Module 1 and 2 are free , after it’s a paid subscription

If you paid for the app , you won’t have access to the music theory
But if you paid to access Music theory and it is still locked , you should tag Musopia

you said you had a paid subscription , ok , but paid subscription to access what ? the app ? music theory ? something else ?

I believe this is the subscription that should cover it. The main landing page also says Already enrolled.

sometimes my login times out. re-login and see if that fixes it. If not, you may need to contact someone in Justin Guitar (not musopia- they are for the app). I think here:

My lessons play ok in module 4.1 - just checked a few moments ago.

ah i thought it was musopia , my bad ^^

yes it may be a log in issue , otherwise , contact the team :slight_smile:

Thank you, I’ve tried relogging several times. I had access at one point as lessons are partially completed. I’ll reach out to them. Cheers!


As this is a website course subscription issue I’ll tag @FannyJustinGuitar and @larynejg as these are not in the @MusopiaApps arena. I am sure they will sort you out, as I had a similar issue with PMT a few years back.


Much appreciated!

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Chris, I will also alert the team about your subscription issue.
They are taki g time off over Easter however.

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Hi everyone! Our team is looking into this issue. @Briarbeard we received your email about this matter and will sort this out for you shortly! Thank you for reaching out & really sorry for the trouble.

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It is working on the website now! Thank you!

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Glad to hear that :slight_smile: Cheers!

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@FannyJustinGuitar I’m having an issue with the beginner Module 8 practice assistant Video being set to private. All the module lessons are avaliable.

Hi @Briarbeard, other students have reported this bug, too. I’ve added it to our backlog, and our team will be working on fixing it soon. Thanks for letting us know!

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