My blues - finally! Additionally: "New Day's Dawning" instrumental

Hi, and welcome to my February presentation. Two tracks this time; I’ll begin with my blues. OK, blues is hardly original, it’s been copied a million times, on the other hand - every rendition of even a known blues song is different, individual and bears the player’s mark :wink: I could call it A Sax Player’s Delight, since it’s in the key of Bb. In the second ‘verse’ I modified the progression by going from Bb to G7 (a secondary dominant), then to C7 (another SD), finally to the V chord, an F7.

My second proposal for this month’s original is a happy instrumental which I called New Day’s Dawning. And it’s going to be a sunny day… :slight_smile:


Hi Tomazs ,
This is very very nice :sunglasses: :clap:

And how great it would be if you played this with a video camera at you :crossed_fingers:, seeing someone play is more than half the fun for most people here… so Please :blush: :smiley: , I’ve asked a lot of people before and I’m already thinking of you too… I won’t go back to that( too much :smile: ) anymore… :innocent:



I really enjoyed both of those tracks. Very well done.

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Oh my aching back!

I love, love, love , love your composition and playing
(they seem to be speaking to the times…)

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Some lovely creations there Tomasz!

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@roger_holland @frito @mundeli @twistor59 : Thanks so much, guys, I’m sooo glad you liked my recordings.
Rogier: I was thinking to make a video of me playing; at the moment I don’t have the means necessary to record a video with good sound quality which I’m always very much concerned about. I haven’t given up the idea, though. I may record a true song (with vocals); for my instrumentals SoundCloud will have to do for now.

Once again, thank you. Tomasz, very nice!
Maybe I should download the second one and once I should have a bad dream and awake stressed, I play this as a first music to ease my mood and start a relaxed day! :slight_smile:

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That’s exactly how I see it! Thank you, Dominique :slight_smile:

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Hi Tomazs,
I really liked your composition in both cases, they were very well thought out and sounded right; but, for my taste there was too much reverb and echo, for me it made it too busy. I am a blues player who likes it stripped down, so it’s no reflection on your work, just my personal preferences.

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My favourite is the new day dawning one.
Fitting title for the storytelling you do in the phrasing, some nice lick idea’s that sounded refreshing in my ear, not heard before.

Just work a bit on the timings on the licks over the backing abit, it tends to float over instead of l"anding in the pocket"

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You play amazingly well… both of these were extremely good…
I did prefer “New Day’s Dawning”, but your Blues piece was a nice listen as well - I’m a fan of acoustic Blues - it was a tasty little morsel to listen to at the end of my workday! :blush:
Thanks for posting & I’m already ready for your March installment!!! :+1: :smiley: :+1:


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@DarrellW @LievenDV @CATMAN62 : Thank you for listening and for your comments. I’m glad you liked my ‘production’ and I assure you I take all critical remarks seriously and most certainly will be taking them into account while preparing my next recordings.
Darrel - you’re quite right, I AM a bit addicted to the Rev/Dly type of effects :wink: Sometimes to the extent that it becomes easy to overdo… I’ll be more careful next time.
Lieven - good that you pointed out the timing imperfections. An author of any kind of work can sometimes be insufficiently critical and tends to overlook even obvious inaccuracies, being overly fascinated with the task accomplished and the final result.
Tod - thanks so much for the kind words. As regards the March installment, I intend to upload a cover still in February. Haven’t decided yet what it’s gonna be.

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Tomasz, both are very nice compositions and well played with clarity and tone. The second piece in particular had both the happy melodic vibe but also a bit of modern jazz soloing feel. Well done.

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Both were excellent Tomasz.

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@SteveL_G99 @TheCluelessLuthier : Thank you so much. Your kind words are both appreciated and encouraging.

Both sounded great, Tomasz

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Thank you, thank you, thank you! Your opinion means a lot to me, it allows me to believe that what I do with my guitars really makes sense.

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