My cover of Celluloid Heroes by Ray Davies

Good stuff Mal. Some tricky guitar play and difficult lyric phrasing. RD has some difficult songs in his back catalogue and you did a fine job there.

Ainā€™t they just a couple of bstds ! That was nicely played Mal. Liked the way you picked out notes from the chords and pushed the melody. Flowing all the way.

Stop doing stuff thatā€™s half a century old, it makes me feel young ! I should go visit the Kinks back catalogue, my heads into more rock but they churned out loads of classics.

Reckon this would be nicely harmonised with Lara. Keep that in mind for a future OM !


Hi Nicole, after a party with many young ones running about, you must have been exhausted, pleased I could help you relax. :crazy_face: :smiley:

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Thanks Gordon, Pleased you enjoyed this. Yes Mr Davies, writes some good stuff, but not always easy. The lyrics are generally excellent though, as on this one. :smiley:

Yes they can be a little awkward at times, pleased you enjoyed my rendition.

I know, itā€™s the age, but then feeling young is good. I have always enjoyed the Kinks, and Mr Davies, a somewhat underrated band that produced some great music.

I will run your suggestion by Lara, see what she thinks. In fact we did think about a couple of titles prior to the last OM. We shall see. :smiley:

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Ta for the introduction to another clever tune by Kinky Davies :smiley:
I thought it was a solid rendition. My only tiny nitpickery would be to adjust your camera, so we donā€™t lose sight of your fretting hand so often. (Thatā€™s one of the ways I learn :roll_eyes:)

Hi Brian, thank you for the feedback. I am aware of the camera and do attempt to keep my fretting hand in view, though often forget. Adjustments will be made.
In lieu of seeing my hand the chords used: D A G D, F#m Bm G A, Bm F#m G A, D7 G A D, for the verses; C G D for the chorus. I know it is not the same, but if you try it you will see what is meant about the F#m and Bm. Pleased you thought well of my version. :smiley:

That was great, Mal. The picking was great and top vocals, as always. RD is a great song writer.

Why did you decide to us a pick over fingerpicking?

We all look to get to this level of playing.great job

Hi Stefan, thank you, pleased you enjoyed this. I agree RD has written some really great songs.

I alternate sometimes between pick and fingers, I enjoy being able to use both and make different sounds.

For this I just had a pick to hand, and perhaps the song being rehearsed for the forthcoming OM is using a pick, but did not really think about it just like the way it sounds. :thinking:

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Thanks Jeff, as you are aware, it is practice and songs, practice and songs, just practice and songs.