My cover of Hotel California

Thank you. Yes, I think you are right on the bending, I will re-watch Justin’s lesson on string bending to see if I can get it better.

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Thank you! I think using a pick would be really helpful and is one of the things I’m working on.

Thank you! Yes I am completely self taught through Justin Guitar. I started at the beginning and have followed both the practical and theory courses. When I look to learn a song, I always try to understand how it works and I find the theory lessons have really helped with that.


You do great w/o a pick Susan. I’m impressed.
Myself, I’m trying to learn to not use a pick… :wink:

Perhaps for both of us, we should consider learning hybrid picking. I surely have and find it… hard to do…
But the more good guitarist I see play (at least what I consider good), the more I note that they do hybrid picking.

Well done Susan on your first video.
Very smooth relaxed strumming/ changes, nice work on the solo. Great foundation to develop from.
Perhaps pump up the volume on the guitar a bit though.

All the best.
Cheers, Shane

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Awesome first video, Susan!!! Bravo for finding the courage to share… I really enjoyed listening- only wish you had turned it up a bit more!!! Thanks for posting!!!


That sounds great, very impressed. I know how difficult it is as I’ve just had a go at trying to learn the solo, and it’s definitely above my pay grade. I gave up and just played a second rate made up solo over a backing track in Bm pentatonic.

Hi Susan,

You did amazing on this song and I’m loving the pink strat. I’ve been working on this song as well, except I mix in open chords with the F# minor and do my own singing . I’m not great at arpeggios like Lieven suggested but the song calls for it. I played this one at the beach last month and some onlookers appreciated it, although I think I need more work on it. Very well done on your part. I still have work to do to match your talent :sunglasses:

Jeff from California

Thank you for your kind reply! It’s great you improvise over the song, don’t give up! I find B minor pentatonic works mostly when improvising, but not so well over F#.

Thank you for appreciating my playing and my guitar! It’s a PRS Silver Sky and feels so nice to play! It’s great you can sing and play and that you played at the beach, that’s cool! I’ve worked on this song a long time and along the way have tried to understand how everything works together. I worked out that playing Bm pentatonic works mostly over the chords but not over F# and that B harmonic minor sounds good over this. I’m still trying to understand modes and sometimes think I can hear them more than understand them! Susan

Very interesting. I’ll have to look all this up :joy:

Hey Susan! It’s very nice to meet you on here. You have accomplished a great deal in your five years with Justinguitar. The solos were so impressive. It was all so good.

I hope to continue hearing songs from you. Any singing and playing planned?

Anyway, keep them coming and we’ll done!

Good job! I see it hasn’t taken you long to get the guitar collectors’ disease! :rofl:

Hello Susan, congratulations on your first AVOYP :clap: :+1: :partying_face:!!
That was terrific :star_struck:!

Continuing the discussion from My cover of Hotel California:

Wow that’s fantastic I am 2 1/2 years learning and it’s a song I am studying currently but just rythm so far, so you have given me real inspiration if I could do that in another 2 1/2 years I would be over the moon. Thank you for the video

So lovely :chocolate_bar: @SusanW

Seriously skilled playing, I can’t believe you waited 5 years to share a video. You know playing the Hotel California solo makes you a really good guitarist, right? Hopefully you don’t wait another 5 years to share again.

It would have been better to have your guitar a lot louder in the recording.

Thank you! I have not tried singing and playing at the same time as I’ve just been concentrating on my playing but I would not say never.

Thank you, I’m glad I have inspired you, definitely keep going with it, you will get there! I kept building on things over time and trying to understand.

Thank you for watching my video and your compliment on my playing!

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