My (DyeV’s) first professionally mixed and mastered song

Yes, after I posted the “before” take, I realized, I could have linked the live rehearsal post that I already did, since that was probably an even better indicator of the before :laughing: The audio I posted here actually was just a rehearsal recording done in our living room, but it was definitely done after that live recording which was right before we debuted it at the community OM

Thank you so much for taking the time to do such a thorough and thoughtful listen! :heart:

Thank you for the feedback :grin: what’s funny is that the first version that we got back from the studio, I was not happy with how my vocals sounded :laughing: as Dan can attest to :laughing: I was definitely not used to hearing myself that filtered before. The comments that I typically get on my vocals are that they have a bit of a raw angst to them that people tend to like, myself included. The really filtered version really flattened them and gave them less character IMO. We ended up working with Sean to get them to a place where we (mostly me :laughing:) we’re happy with them again.

It was such a good experience! And noted for potential future recordings :wink:

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@franzek @sairfingers @LBro @DarrellW

Thank you all for taking the time to listen and so happy everyone enjoyed it :heart:

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Thank you Jeff :grin: :grin: I agree :wink:

Same! I was so happy that we got a recording that Greg could really enjoy and that showed off his amazing lead work, since the other times he has been in a studio, the end result was not what he was hoping for

Thank you, my friend :smile: I tend to agree with you on the levels.

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Thanks Mari! That’s definitely been something we have been considering. We would just need to figure out the financial aspect first :laughing: definitely not a cheap endeavor! :rofl:

Hopefully in the near future :wink: We definitely want to do one! We started talking about some concepts for a video when we were rehearsing a couple days ago

Thank you Lisa! We have been definitely throwing around the idea of a full album. I would absolutely LOVE to do one! You’ll be the first one to be sent a copy :wink:


Congratulations @Jenndye429 , @DDye , and the band … :clap: :clap: :clap:
The production sounded really good, although would agree the instruments were slightly out-competing with your voice.
This is quite a milestone achievement for you all, and look forward to hearing and watching as you progress with more recordings; both audio and visual … :sunglasses:

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Thank you so much!! :grin: