My (DyeV’s) first professionally mixed and mastered song

Hi everyone,

Some of you may remember a few months back when I posted about being gifted a recording session and wondering what to do with it. Today, as promised, I finally have the end result to share!

My band DyeV decided to record the first original song we wrote and worked on together- Numbers. As the recipient of the gift, the rest of the band members pretty much left it to me to decide which of our songs to do. I waffled about it a lot :laughing: and finally settled on Numbers for several reasons. 1. We pretty much had it down and weren’t still messing around with the song as we were some of the other ones :laughing: 2. The younger two members of the group were most excited about recording this one. And 3. It’s fairly catchy and would probably sound good on the radio if it ever got that far.

The recording process was a great learning experience and so much fun! If anyone has any specific questions about our time recording, let me know and I’d be happy to answer in the comments. The whole thing took a little over a month from start to finish. We did all the recording on August 11th and after that we had an additional trip back to the studio and couple versions of the song shared back and forth during the mixing process. The studio owner, Sean, who kind of served as our producer, also did the final master. He did such an amazing job on everything and I wouldn’t hesitate to work with him again in the future! He instinctively knew what we were going for and as I told him several times he “understood the assignment” :laughing:

Photos of us at the studio below. Per popular request, I’m attaching a live version of us playing the song together shortly after we wrote it as the “before” version and the pro version as the “after” :wink:

Numbers- final mixed and mastered pro version

Numbers rehearsal- the before version


Amazing Jenn!! Love it!! :star_struck: :clap: :clap: Congratulations to you and DyeV on your first! :tada: :partying_face:
Love the song, it is definitely catchy! and the style/genre and it’s soooo well done! :sunglasses:
Sounds like it was a lot of fun and an awesome experience! The first of many I’m sure :sparkles: :heart_eyes:

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Wow!! Sounds great! You guys have come such a long way in such a short time!! Super happy to hear that you continue with DyeV and that you have a first original tune “in the can” as it were.

Looks and sounds like you had a load of fun doing it and hopefully you’ll get a chance to have another go at some point. I imagine the learning curve was also a real plus. To be in an actual studio with someone who (in principle, at least) is fully knowledgable about recording and production must give a a great insight into what it’s like to make a record.

Congratulations to the members of DyeV and a big shout out to Dan for being such a great bandmate and life partner and giving you just what you wanted for your birthday!!

Looking forward to seeing you again in a JGC OM at some point in the (near) future!!

Again, CONGRATS!!!

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Hi Jenn,
Wow ,I first listened to the mastered pro version… if you had only posted the before version I would have applauded it and probably thought it was great… but now I was even a bit surprised at the enormous difference in quality at every sound level actually… …
How great that you now have such a version and it turned out so well. and have a taste for more…
Nice pics also :sunglasses:


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I agree, what a difference! :astonished:
It looks like you had a great time, I hope this will be played on the radio! :smiley:

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Fabulous. Such a great song, and would sound awesome on the radio, as good as anything else in the genre. And I guess that is where one needs that little bit of luck to be in the right place, right time and right person present. Of course got to be ready and you guys are well on the way!

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These are both terrific Jenn.
Super song, great band
The really beautiful thing for you guys as a band is that you now have this pro version put together in the studio that demonstrates what is achievable at a live performance, great to aim at, and not at all far down the line either
Congrats people, fabulous :heart:

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Brilliant rendition of a great song!


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Congratulations, what a great experience!

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Hi Jenn great to see you finally have hit the studio and “pressed the vinyl” ! :rofl:

Listened to the before recoding and then went back to the March post of Numbers and PTB, as this audio version sounded a little raw compared the the OM rehearsal, assume it was a different take, in the studio before mixing?`

But both a good reference point as I remember both Numbers and PTB hitting the ground running.

Now waiting with anticipation for the studio mix. Decided not to use studio monitor or phones for comparison just my cheapo 15W sound bar for PC output. So let see how the pro version compares ?!?

First impression definitely popping, crisper and more depth and more layers present. Sounding really good but think your vox is a little low in the mix. So after the :poop: speakers will move to headphones.

Kin ell !!! What a difference with headphones sounds great bands pumping, at another level. But still think the vox are lower than I’d like. Wonder if he is mixing for a cell ? Overall mix is great just need more Jenn vox, just 2 or 3 db needed to lift it above the band. Studio Monitors and phone were the same.

Don’t get me wrong Jenn, its a great recording and it could be my old ears but I don’t see it show casing your vocals and IMHO that is a big big aspect of DyeV ! The whole band sound so much fuller and crisper than the original recordings.

But for me your vocals were a little buried. I would be interested if you could get hold of the studio stems for your vox and one for the band and run them through a Loudness Meter I reckon, level wise they’d be even or your vox a little lower. It needs to be a few db above.
Heck what does this old fool know.

At the end of the day I enjoyed all the recordings and it must have been a great experience. But I just need more Jenn when it comes to the vocals. :thinking:


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Wow, that whole thing must have been a fantastic experience Jen. Well done to you all.

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Congratulations on having your original song professionally recorded :partying_face:. It sounds like all the effort paid off. It must be very rewarding for you and the band. It’s great to hear that the producer captured the sound you were aiming for. Wishing you much success in getting it out to a wider audience :smiley:

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WOOHOO!! Congrats guys! @Jenndye429 @DDye :partying_face: :clinking_glasses: :tada: :smiley:
Despite the fact that I truly love a demo (something about low fi quality really grabs me, probably due to my penchant for early 90s black metal :metal::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:), but the studio version sounds PHENOMENAL in contrast! It sounds great through my cheap work headphones, but through a decent set, the exquisite detail in the mix is really highlighted. Sounds so fat!! :smiling_face: Guitar’s sounding great, love Greg’s lead tone :guitar: :sunglasses: and drum’s are killer!!! :drum: :heart_eyes: So cool how they pan across and how clearly defined they are. All the instruments have their own space yet work cohesively together. And to the vocals! They sound amazing, beautifully mixed and sung so well! :heart: Their level in the mix is totally fine for me, I feel if they were any louder, they’d drown out the other instruments and be a bit too much :thinking: but totally see how this could be subjective and the device used for listening will have a huge impact too of course :slight_smile:
Even with all the great tech we have available at home these days, there’s still a significant step up when working with industry professionals in a true studio environment. Well done guys! And congrats to the whole DyeV crew! Huge effort! But only early days, so much more to come from DyeV soon I’m sure… Can’t wait for the full album!! :boom: :metal::wink:


Wow that is just incredible, Jenn and all of DyeV!! First off it’s a great song anyway, but the professionally mixed version is simply amazing in comparison. I listened through both versions before I read the other comments and so note that before I read Toby’s comments I found the vox in the professional version to be a bit low too. However, I also thought that that seems typical of much of the music I hear on the radio, and I also thought that the vox at that level still did cut through and I could hear all the lyrics. The most striking differences to me - other than everything lol - were the quality of the sound of the drums, and the tightness of the band. Drums must be really difficult to record, but the pro version sounds so excellent.

What a wonderful gift to receive, and that must have been such a blast to get to use it and come up with such an awesome final mix. Hopefully you and DyeV continue on to a full album!

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Very good, really enjoyed listening to some nice grunge - in some ways it reminds me a bit of Wet Leg, it’s got a similar vibe to it.
Well done folks, keep them coming!

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I enjoyed the studio offering. Sounded like a very nice mix with some added touches that fit in well. Good job to all involved!

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Congrats to the band and the studio for taking this rough diamond and turning it into sharp cut, hi-carat gem :sunglasses:
The experience will stay with you guys forever. (The first time… :wink:)
The difference between before and after is like night and day.
However, I agree with Toby & Mari. I think the vocals are a tad low- a bit overshadowed by the huge drums and guitars :thinking:
Small niggle though. Fab song and production.
When’s the video coming out?

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What an amazing outcome of your studio session, Jenn, Dan and DyeV! :metal: :fire:

The difference between before and after is incredible, so much more depth and overall band power, luv it. :heart_eyes: The studio version sounds even more like a well established 90’s rock/grunge band. It totally could be a commercial success, if it is presented at the right time and place to the right persons. But that’s the part where being lucky gets into the game. From my PoV, you would deserve it, as the song is crafted so well on all layers and everyone involved did an amazing job! I bow my hat and hope for more of these to come! :smiley:

Best part is: No one can ever take this experience away from you. Being in a studio and doing something you enjoy the most with great folks around - can’t hardly get any better. :smiley: I really hope you will do it again - and create an EP or LP in the future. Consider one copy already sold (I don’t care 'bout shipping costs, I wanna hardcopy). :sunglasses:


So many amazing comments, I don’t know where to start :laughing: Thank you all for checking it out and Thank you for all the love on the song :guitar: :heart:

@Avalon426 @roger_holland @Boris1565 @Eccleshall @DavidP @TheCluelessLuthier @beejay56

We were all very happy with the final version. I think I listened to it at least 20 times back to back after we received the final mix :laughing:


Agreed :wink: and yes, we are hoping to get back to playing the OMs again now that this is done.