My first 6 months of Justinguitar

I decided to cobble together a bunch of clips I sent to a friend who can actually play. It was cool to see how far I’ve come but also how far I’ve got left to go! I found “Midlife Guitar” very motivational so thought this might do the same :slight_smile: hopefully stop someone wasting 3 months like I did and just stick to Justin’s program!


Hi Shaun ,
I just started typing in that other thread where you first posted this :grin:… Nice job good progress . :sunglasses: :clap: . And a good choice to follow Justin’s program so you learn things in the right order (and look ahead or back and forth watching somewhere else if you feel the need will probably not make you worse of course )… Starting a learning log and posting this video there is, I think, the best place and often the easiest way for you to look back on later with great pleasure and see the proces in one topic … Not necessarily, of course, but just my thought

Keep it up and I hope you have fun and a long and steady learning curve :sunglasses:


Nice compilation of practice videos Shaun :blush: It’s a great idea that you made videos of yourself practicing not just playing songs. I wish I’d done that more often (could start now I guess as I’m only 3 months in) because you can really notice the improvements you’ve made (good job by the way :blush::clap:t4:).

It’s funny you mentioned Midlife Guitar, I think it was his review that first pointed me towards Justin Guitar. Whenever I start learning something new I have the bad habit of bouncing around different courses or books trying to find “The Perfect One” which leads to a lot of wasted time, frustration, and inevitably quitting. Luckily Justin’s way of teaching put an end to that. It’s amazingly structured while still allowing flexibility in practicing and emphasizes fun and enjoying what you’re playing from day one alongside the necessary technique practice. It broke the cycle for me, and I look forward to growing along with Justin’s courses and this community :blush:


Thank you for the feedback and totally agree. Fortunately I’ve picked up enough hobbies over the years to realize when I was on the path of “trying to find silver bullets” and avoiding just doing the work!


Thanks for this. It was exactly what I needed at this point.

I’m 3 months in and am bouncing around between 3 different guitar courses and keep thinking I need to just focus on one. Justinguitar is by far the best of the 3 and I keep thinking it’s time to just focus on it.


You got it 100% there, simple thing about learning and playing guitar is that if you don’t learn in a structured manner and practice diligently you will never learn properly; you may play a few campfire songs (badly) but that’s about it!
Good luck, keep it up, you’ve got past the biggest stumbling block now - the realisation is that “you don’t get owt for nowt”


I came up with a MINIMUM must do every day that I know I can commit to, no matter what. I don’t do a single thing else on the guitar until I’ve done these things. They aren’t rocket science, but it stops me from flitting around:

Finger Gym
Finger Independence
Fretboard Memorization

Open chords - learn new chords, perfect fast changes, one min changes
Bar Chords - whatever I’m working on
Power Chords - whatever I’m working on

Strumming - whatever patterns I’m working on

Songs - whatever I want to focus on today

Only then will I go looking for something else to do if I’ve done it all. I had a day at home yesterday so I went back through the Blues section in module 2. I walked away from it first time around thinking I’d never play blues, took me about 15 mins to learn the riff and I really enjoyed it.

I’d say coming to terms with the fact that the magic isn’t in the course, it’s in the grind and maybe a bit in the metronome too really helped me keep moving.

That is a great compilation and a great idea. Thanks for sharing!

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Great progress. Yep sticking with the Justin course and doing everything in it works. You’ve made great progress in 6 months.

I think too many people skip some videos, or decide not to practice bits. Just practice everything he says and learn a lot of songs and you’ll keep progressing.


A nice montage there Shaun and you look to be doing everything right. It was nice to see your progression as well.

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Great progress there Shaun - congratulations! I was following Midlife Guitar too - shame he stopped posting.


Well done, Shaun. You’ve made great progress. Keep on keeping on.

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Really cool Shaun. I really enjoyed your video and look forward to hearing more on your progress. Great work so far. :+1:

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Nice video Shaun - great idea, love your guitar too. I’m about 6 months in to the course too and I find it motivating seeing other people’s progression.

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Congrats on your progress within 6 month and cool video!
Justin offers a great way to really progress and stay focused and motivated. I have no experience with other courses, but I definitly see the benefits of Justin’s method to teach. Good luck for your next step!s

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