My first A.V.O.Y.P. Talkin 'Bout A Revolution --warts n all

Think you just ticked “that” box Jeremy ! :wink:

Really enjoyed that. Loved the reverb bringing out the guitar tone and great vocals, well done sir !


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Awesome… Sounds great. I like your style.

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Well done , well sung and keep havin fun.

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That was great Jeremy, strumming sounded good and nice vocal, I’m a fan of TC, well done :+1:
Would like to have seen a bit more of the guitar, only because I like watching both hands.

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Hey All

Thanks so much for all of your kinds words on yesterday’s post!!!

With my answers here I hope to try to respond to some of the feedback that was given:

First of all, big shout out to @roger_holland for alerting me to the fact that no one could see the video when I first posted it. . . :rofl:

@sclay @skinnyt @roger_holland No, I am not a beginner at playing and singing on the guitar BUT I am a virtual TOTAL BEGINNER when it comes to recording / posting videos and playing in front of a camera. . .it was a VERY different experience for me. I have been playing around campfires and at BBQs with friends since the early 2000s and I have less problem playing front of real people than I do in front of a camera that is recording. I guess I have to get used to it and treat the camera as a “friend”. I’ve never played a gig in a band or anything like that but have had short adventures into playing consistently with other people which is THE ABSOLUTE BEST WAY to learn about music and the guitar (or whatever your intsrument is).

@HappyCat @Helen0609 @TheMadman_tobyjenner I recorded this in my basement which is why there’s so much echo/reverb. I think it’s okay for playing / recording straight into a camera with no mics or anything but I imagine if I was properly mic’ed up it would be a bit of a nightmare. . .for now it’s the only option so that’s that. . .my posts will be “reverby” for the next little while until I can get a “proper” set up.

@CD02 @skinnyt @brianlarsen I will make sure for future posts that both hands can be seen in the videos and perhaps a little less of our lovely brick wall. . . :wink:

Although I moan about the technology (cuz I’m in the vintage club. . :person_white_hair:.) it is really great to have a space like this for posting these little adventures into sound. . .I hope that all of you will continue to post your playing (and singing!!!) in the community. It’s a great way to get better at the instrument and have some fun at the same time. . . and as @mfeeney0110 mentioned if we can motivate each other to continue on our journeys into the instrument and music then that is the best result we can hope for.

Thanks again for all your feedback and have a great day!!



Fantastic, very nice, just need to moce the cam down a touch and this would have be brilliant.

Very well done, :+1:


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Thanks Rachel!! :slight_smile:

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Congratulations on your first AVOYP posting and that is how you make an entrance. I thought it was really good Jeremy. Your playing and singing were both spot on and what a great song to pick.

I’m looking forward to more from you.

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Thanks Stefan!! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Great singing ang playing. Very enjoyable to listen to. :clap: :clap: :clap:

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That’s a terrific performance and a great song choice that highlights your wonderful singing. Well done sir! I’ll looking forward to seeing your other song choices for some inspiration.

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Great performance Jeremy, not many warts that I could spot!

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Wow what a debut, cant wait to see you performing during next OM! Well done mate!

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Super stuff Jeremy. Excellent strumming and a great vocal too. Looking forward to more from you.

Such a great song, and I love your cover. The natural reverb was sweet! I look forward to hearing more from you :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks Mari!

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Hi Jeremy, I could not find any warts, I would be super happy with that performance if it was me, good job

Very good performance! I’m not too familiar with this song but it sounded very well performed.

Hey Jeremy!

Waaaay late to this party but I just saw your AVOYP & wanted to add my voice to the cheering going on here!
Very well played & sung !!! No visible issues & your demeaner was calm without any noticeable jitters!!! Bravo!!!


Thanks @CATMAN62 Tod!! Finally back from holiday and catching up with LOTS unread posts on the community!! IT was fun to learn and sing this one!!