My first A.V.O.Y.P. Talkin 'Bout A Revolution --warts n all

Hi All

This is my first upload to the Community. I hope you enjoy the listen. The process was educational for me. . .please feel free to give me constructive feedback. . .there are a couple of small flubs but nothing major. . .had some red light jitters definitely going on during this process. . . thanks for listening!!

Here’s the link:



Hi Jeremey,
I get a message that the video is not available… it still set to private.


Hmmm. . .yeah. . .thought I could just share the link and you’d be able to see it. . . ok. . .will change the setting. . .hang on. . .I was able to watchit by clicking on this but then I am sure you tube knows it’s me. . . :rofl:

Thanks Rogier!! I switched the setting. . .should be good to go now. . .really appreaciate the heads up. . .wasn’t aware tha I had to change a setting in order for people to see it. . .as you can see. . .not much experience with ths YouTube malarky. . .he, he, he. . . .hope you enjoy. . .

Hi Jeremey,

Hundreds have gone before you with this mistake…I think me too :grin:

And about the song …Pff It’s clear to hear that you already have some experience with singing and playing :sunglasses: :clap: :clap:… you can (or are you already doing this?) easily bring this on stage and the kids will shout … in a good way :laughing:


Outstanding Jeremy!
I think ya did real good with that. Very enjoyable to listen to.

My only feedback is, I liked your recording environment.
Natural reverb. Very cool man.

Man, I get that statement. The “malarky” is overwhelming for me too.

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Hello Jeremy, I think you are awesome. I will listen to you few more times, I really like it. :slight_smile:

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Well done mate, good playing and singing.

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Yeah, nice one Jeremy. Congratulations on your first AVOYP. Very enjoyable mate. Not a straightforward song to sing and play, so I’m guessing you’ve done this before. :nerd_face:. I too enjoyed the natural reverb, that brought out those great vocals.

Bring on some more mate. I’ll keep listening to em. :+1:.

Cheers, Shane

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Hi Jeremy, oh man that was really good :+1::clap::smiley:. A very enjoyable listen. Fantastic strumming skills, and your vox suited perfectly. So well done :star_struck:.
I look forward to more :blush:.

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Awesome job Jeremy - great performance, loved it!

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Terrific effort Jeremy, well done!

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That was really enjoyable, and motivating.

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That was absolutely amazing Jeremy. Loved your playing and your vocals were excellent. Flawless performance and I look forward to hearing more from you!

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Loved that Jeremy!
Flawless as far as I could tell. Your voice is great - has the sort of register that cuts through beautifully in a mix.

How long have you been playing/singing?

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Fab debut, Jeremy :sunglasses:
I kept my eyes out for the warts but couldn’t find them.
Great booming sound from the guitar and excellent vocals.
You mentioned in a different thread that you hoped to take part in a future OM.
Now that you’ve posted an avoyp and been an audience member, why not sign up for January? :laughing:
(only nit: less brick wall and more guitar in the picture next time :wink:)

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Hi Jeremy! Nice playing and strumming, an enjoyable listen! Very solid rhythm skills, I would say, great vocals too and some natural reverb, where did you play? No need for “red light jitters”! Nice, that you have found the way back to guitar playing, would have been a shame not to pick up the guitar again! :smiley:

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I thought that was brilliant.
I’m a big Tracy chapman fan and enjoyed every second of it.

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Great first post, you do not seem like a beginner, I didn’t hear the flubs. Maybe you could adjust the camera so we can see what both your hands are doing.

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brilliant debut! looking forward to seeing you live at the next OM!

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