My First jam session

Last Saturday, 20th May 2023 I experienced my first jam session with another guitar player, a friend of mine who plays in a band and has been helping me with advice and a few zoom lessons when I first started playing. As useful as these zoom sessions were to get me started with the basics, (alongside Justin’s beginner course) there is of course no better way of learning than by playing with a more experienced player.

We have been looking forward to getting together to play for a long while, but the fact that we live 3 and a half hours car journey apart this has been the first time that we had actually been able to get together in person.

In this video we are playing ‘Knocking on heaven’s door’. I am playing rhythm while trying to keep in time with the drum beat while he played lead guitar and sang. I love the way his lead playing sounds over the top of my rhythm, although he did hit a duff note at one point, (You see… even experienced players do it.) Anyway, I hope you enjoy.


That was great Malcolm. To play alongside another player with more experience must have been a terrific buzz.
My only comments on your playing would be to break the habit of watching your fretting hand. A quick look now and then is ok.
Also keep your strumming hand moving continuously up and down even when there is a pause in the beat. Doing that helps keep your timing steady.
Well done. :smiley:

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@sairfingers Thanks the comment. Yeah, still got to work on the two points you mentioned. I am currently working through grade 2, module 14 which includes a lesson on playing without looking. :+1:

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Sounding good, Malcolm :clap: hope you get to have fun with more jamming sessions :v:

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How great to be able to have a jam session with someone and nicely done as well Malcolm. I enjoyed it.

I can only reflect Gordon’s advice.

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Sounds like you had a great time Malcolm! Your buddy sounded awesome too.

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Hello Malcolm,
how great is that :star_struck:.
Having somebody to jam with, is such a treasure. Even if it’s just once in a while.
And you did great. Keeping the steady rhythm while somebody is playing something different is really difficult. But you mastered that well :smiley::+1::clap:.
Thanks for sharing :hugs:.

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