My latest Original completed

I’ve got the TC Helicon Play Acoustic and a beatbuddy. So I have no excuse!
Videos are a nightmare aren’t they? I’ve given up trying to make a decent video, I just haven’t got the patience!

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Go for it.
Looking forward to seeing what you post.

Hey Ron. Exceptional all the way! I loved the video and what you did with it - The royalty-free clips and then your performance mixed in throughout. You connected with the viewer. You looked very comfortable and in your element. Great inspiration.

The song was great! Yeah, “I Need a Holiday” too!

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It’s a fab song, Ron! :clap:

The feeling of longing for holidays is so exceptionally well transported, I really could feel it, too, while listening. :smiley: And not only, because I’m also in need of a holiday, but because it just fits and gives this kind mood.

It has a great groove and you played and sung so well. The production and the video are top level, too - it all comes together as a perfect fit. :slight_smile:

So, now I need to lay down and have a Virgin Colada or something else sans alcohol, a little bit of sun shine and a soft wind blowing. :rofl: :desert_island:


Thank you Pamela.
It is very encouraging when the song works for people and they feel the mood.

I really appreciate the feedback Lisa.
As I said to @pkboo3, it is great to hear that the song works and communicates the way I intended it.
Every time I watch it myself I so want a holiday :laughing::wine_glass::desert_island:

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