Need a good audition song for high school band

Need a good audition song for high school band (stage band).
Instrument: Electric guitar
Level: Intermediate
btw i dont have any effects and other stuff


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Hi Advik.
You came to a good place to find a song.
Justin covers a whole bunch of music and teaches you how to play it too.

Many songs to choose from.

Stage band. Very cool.
I was in stage band many years ago too. It was my favorite class bar none.

If I were to recommend a song, I’d pick something by the Beatles.
My guess would be you might find something a bit more modern to do?

imho, you’ll be fine w/o “effects and other stuff”. w/o effects will show off your skill at playing the guitar. Heck, go a step further, do your audition playing acoustic. I find acoustic most unforgiving as for how I play. Playing acoustic is really me w/o any electric color.
With electric, sometimes I can cover up errors w/effects to some degree.
So no effects electric or acoustic playing will be just plain you and your skill.

Much luck on your audition.

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Hi Advik,
welcome to the community here. :smiley:

Most of all, you should consider choosing a song you feel very comfortable while playing and you can play really, really well. Not knowing you personally, but if I were you, I’d be so damn nervous during that audition, that my fingers would feel like chewing gum. :sweat_smile:
Therefore it would be helpful to have a song or two, that you can play confidently at any time, even under pressure. It should be the right amount of showing technical skill, but not being to risky to mess up something. Hope you get what I want to say. :sweat_smile:

Do you have something in mind already? And how much time you have left to prepare something?

Best of luck and fingers crossed for your audition! :four_leaf_clover:

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Welcome Advix.

Good advice from Lisa, stick to a song you know well. I assume you must know many given your level. What type of music does the school band play at the moment ? Folk here could suggest countless songs but a narrower criteria would be help. Does the audition also include an assignment along the lines of learn a new song ? If not go for one you already knows.
Always adopt the KISS approach to these things.


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the solution for everything :smiley:



Hey guys,

Thanks for all the response, I have around 3 weeks to prepare for a song. I have compiled up a list of music the band played! Since, I cant upload pdfs, here is a link to the songs for the band : ( Electric Guitar CHS 2023 Music Stage Band 1_2)

Also, here are the Audition requirements:

1. perform a section of a piece/song (about 90 seconds in length) for your instrument or voice which demonstrates your current level of ability

  • if the piece/song is longer than 90 seconds, you can choose which section to perform
  1. Sight-read a section of music at a level typical for that ensemble (instrumentalists)

@TheMadman_tobyjenner @roger_holland


The approx. level of song stage band 1 plays is grade 3 + and stage bad 2 (easier version) plays grade 2 music. I also uploaded the songs above and the requirements of the audition. I can only mention 2 people at a time so, there will be 2 posts for the other 2 users. I can’t use effects and pedals anyways so dont know why said that in the main post.

Thanks Advik

@HappyCat @Lisa_S Hey,

The approx. level of song stage band 1 plays is grade 3 + and stage bad 2 (easier version) plays grade 2 music. I also uploaded the songs above and the requirements of the audition. I can only mention 2 people at a time so, there will be 2 posts for the other 2 users. I can’t use effects and pedals anyways so dont know why said that in the main post.

Thanks Advik

Are these Justin’s Grades?
Good luck, not long to go.

Hi Advik,

I still stick to my initial advice: Pick something you already know really well and can play comfortably in any circumstance. As we hardly can estimate you skill level without hearing you, it wouldn’t be a good idea to throw in song suggestions that are either way too easy or too challenging to tackle. :slight_smile:

Anyhow, starting something completely new now might be a little late as well. But if you wish to do so, you could use the grades you evaluated to find a song tutorial by Justin. You can filter by grades and see if something is there that suits you skill and taste. :slight_smile:

Best of luck for your audition! :four_leaf_clover: