Neighbor wants to singj

My neighbor heard me practicing her favorite song, what’s up by 4 non blondes,she said it was sounding really good so she wants me to play while she sings the lyrics. I have the strumming pattern remembered without having to look it up,the only thing I need to practice is getting from the G chord to the A minor chord without to much hesitation, A minor to C is ok because I use my first finger as an anchor between those two chords but going from or to G without an anchor is taking a bit more time,but hey I’ll get there.


This is so cool! Don’t wait too long to do a duet. You’ll make mistakes, sure, but you’ll learn quickly from them! Oh - and she’ll probably make mistakes too. :smiling_face:
Do post a video when you two get together!


you have a nice neighbour !!!
the birth of a new duet on your music journey maybe ^^


Hey Donald, you live in the RIGHT neighborhood!!! :+1: :grinning: :laughing:

One neighbor is a luthier, another wants to sing duets… what’s next? A neighbor who plays drums & another who’s a retired sound tech? :rofl:

I say give her an audition & if she sounds good, follow up with lyrics sheets for all the songs you’re learning, record yourselves & post some AVOYPs… maybe you’ll go viral on YouTube & can live out the rest of your retirement in LUXURY - no need to worry about GAS with all that YouTube money rollin’ in!!! :crazy_face:

Okay… I got carried away :pleading_face:, sorry… but still… who knows!!!



Hi Don, it’s a great song to play I find it uplifting and bright. Go for it, get your neighbour in and sit down for a jam, I’m sure it’ll be a hoot


What an opportunity, Donald. The enighbour said it sounds good, so go for it, don’t delay as I like most of us you may never feel ready. And given the enighbour’s comment, it sounds like you already are.


Go for it, (to me) nothing beats performing live; whether it is in front of people or just with 2 people jamming together :smiley:


Nike, Donald,
It won’t take too long practising (use the JG Chord changes exercises) reps to nail transitions from G to Am … fairly straightforward once you have the ‘muscle memory’ trained.

It’s a good song for this kind of project too … :musical_note:

Have fun both … :sunglasses:

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Seems like a pretty darn good opportunity Donald.
I’ve been trying to find anyone to jam with (in any capacity) for quite a darn while. To no avail I might add.
Folks to collaborate with aren’t easy to find. Let alone a collaborator that is just next door. It will be just too easy to get together and jam. Very cool.
Hope you take advantage of your neighbors offer.

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She’s into karaoke and likes to sing so I’m sure she will come up with other tracks she will want me to play, it’s a good motivator. I was just practicing and playing without any real goals, except learning to play the guitar,I have decided to get an acoustic guitar,the song what’s up sounds ok on an electric but I would rather have it sound like it’s supposed to and there’s many more great acoustic songs I love.



I was in the “no real goals” mode for years… it led to not progressing very much for a long, long time. It wasn’t until a couple of years ago when my wife gifted me an electric guitar & I chose a couple of songs to learn that I got really motivated! I had to find some instruction for Dire Straights’ “Walk of Life” & that’s how I found Justin Guitar…
I strongly advise that you set yourself at least a few goals & WRITE THEM DOWN! I post sticky notes on my computer monitor edge to remind myself of what’s next to do!
Motivation is boosted for me by thinking of some of my favorite songs - the ones I (or my wife) really love to listen to & adding them to my Songbook either as “Developers” or in many cases “Dreamers”. Not sure where in the course you are, but in Grade 1, Module 5, Justin talks about making your own Songbook Your Own Songbook | & it was like a revelation for me… gave my guitar playing direction for the 1st time…

Good luck with the collab - sounds fun!
Also, good luck with goal setting!
