Neil Young-Needle and the Damage Done

Hi all,
It’s been awhile since i posted- life just get’s very busy! But today is my birthday and my middle son Sam and I finally had a chance to sit down and jam a little! Thankfully- he is a sound recording major and captured us beautifully! (After a few false starts lol)


Hi Pamela!!!
First of all… Happy Birthday!!!
What a cool video!!! I’m loving the FamJam vibe with you & your son playing together - evan sharing the footstool!!! Good sound, solid playing & very nicely done!!!
I especially enjoyed the ending with you both showing joy & happiness!!!
Thanks for sharing!!!



Happy birthday. What more could one ask for on their special day but a precious memory.

That was superb in every way.


Happy Birthday. That is so cool! So much joy. All the very best wishes to both of you :heart: :pray:

ps. and lovely music too :star_struck:

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That was absolutely magnificent. Well done both and Happy Birthday!


Great work Pam by you both, it sounded just :ok_hand:


Excellent, all the way around in all facets! Nice recording job and mix, very well balanced. That big guitar puts out some big tones!

Happy B-Day and be well,

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Happy birthday (belated?); great cover from the pair of you and you’d got a great vibe too - you’re lucky to have a son like that, wish mine was :rofl:

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That was so cool, a real joy to watch

Happy belated birthday! I enjoyed your recording very much, always great to hear some Neil Young!
So cool, seeing you play together with your son, must be great fun! Loved the reaction of both of you at the end!

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Happy b-day Pam.
Some terrific guitar play there along with an excellent vocal from Sam. Great version of a classic NY song. Well done both of you.
The shouts of joy at the end were the icing on the cake of this performance!

Very well recorded too. People post regularly on the Community asking for advice on how best to record their progress. Looks like we’ve now got an expert on hand to give out hints and tips! :smiley:


Great playing, and great jamming, I love the way you bounce around the rhythm and lead playing between the two of you. No better way to spend a birthday!


Very well played guys, and sounding great too … :clap::clap:

Well done on the performance and production.
Thanks for sharing … :+1:t2:

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OMG!! That was the COOLEST!! :clap: :astonished: Loved it! You both nailed the guitar and your son has a super good voice (and maybe an opportunity for some harmony from you as well next time eh??? :thinking: :wink: :laughing:) . That was just magic! Can you both do more together, please?! :pray: :smiley: Well done to you both! Amazing! :heart:
(PS Happy birthday! :smiley: :gift: :cake: :tada: :partying_face: If I have your time zone right, then it was the 5th July, meaning you share it with my sister :wink: she was born July 5th '77 but was supposed to be due on the 7th so she should have been born on the 7th of the 7th '77, but as is always the case with my sister there was too much to go and do, so why waste time in the womb! :joy: Unlike me who was fashionably late :wink: :rofl: )


Great job, loved it :blush:

It’s one of a few Neil Young songs on my list of songs to learn in the future, just a little beyond my ability at the moment

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That was incredibly beautiful. Loved the connection with your son and the ending gave me happy tears. I thought the video had ended and after a frozen moment, you both burst out. :heart: :heart_eyes: Great picking and strumming. What a Happy Birthday!!

Sam did a great job too. What a band (and a bond) you two have!


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Happy belated birthday, Pam! :partying_face: :smiley:

That was just terrific seeing you and your son jamming, having lots of fun and enjoying yourselves. Must have been so much fun and a great way to spend some time together on your birthday. :slight_smile: It must be awesome to share a commong hobby with your loved ones.

It was so well played and sung, what a great performance. Your son has a beautiful voice, too. The way you both complimented each other’s guitar was a pleasure to listen to, too. Overall, a most a most enjoyable listen and hopefully not the last of your jams you share with us. :slight_smile:


Happy belated bday!! :slight_smile: Sounded great!!! Love Neil Young!

Lovely version from the two of you​:+1::+1:

Oh man, that was phenomenal! What a joy to listen and watch. Thank you so much for uploading! Your excitement at a good run through was infectious. I’ll probably come back and watch this a few more times!

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