Neuroplasticity to Learn Guitar Faster

So Justin is telling me that combining my love for handstand training and guitar will make me better faster? Sign me up, that is great news! :upside_down_face:

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For real, or try some of the more advanced positions (head in, tuck handstand etc.) Hell, you could even train for a one arm handstand if you’re already proficient in all the different shapes and moving between them! That’ll take you long enough. :slightly_smiling_face:

Fascinating! The brain is so amazing. After 30+ years of piano-by-memory playing, I can say this concept must be true. After a bit of trying to memorize a piano song, and then going to bed, I would always be worried my brain is going to lose all that playing information I gave it. And somehow, to my amazement, the next day the only thing my fingers would remember is how to do the chords right.


If you guys spent less time on the forum and more time on the website :wink:

:rofl: That has made me laugh. :rofl:

On a different note, can anybody tell me how I include the message I am replying to in my reply please?

Highlite the part you want and a vary faint Quote box will pop up. Just hit the Quote box and it will start a new reply for you with the highlited message.

If you girl spent a little less time on the website and more on the forum :wink:


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Thank you very much :smiley:

:rofl: I try :rofl:

My wife has been laughing at me as I balance on one foot before practice! :slight_smile:


Call me a sceptic.

I have resisted viewing the video for quite a while but eventually succumb. I am sure the science is correct but not sure it would work for everyone.
I have spent all my life, school, university and work learning new things and skills, mentally rather than physically and for me it came down to hard work.
I am more than 40 years past 25, and physically quite fit running 100 of miles a month, if I tried to do handstands, never could do them, I am pretty sure I would fall over and break something. I did once try a wobble board that my daughter had, couldn’t do that either.
I fail enough learning things on the guitar, does that count.
I get enough strange looks from the family when I disappear to play my guitar, if I tried to do handstands as well, I am sure they would think I had really lost it.
Please don’t take my comments too seriously, if it works for you great, but sorry Justin will not be part of my routine.

Michael :grinning::woman_cartwheeling:

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Humor is always a good side benefit!

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@JustinGuitar you should try to have a recorded conversation with Andrew D. Huberman to discuss his ideas in relation to learning guitar. I bet you members would LOVE it :wink: :wink:


When I retired 1-1/2 years ago, I picked up the guitar to help keep my mind healthy and active. Justin your discussion waa very interesting.

That’s a great suggestion.

@larynejg What do you think, Laryne?

Hey, @vertigoa and @DavidP This is a great idea! Justin even emailed Huberman’s team. We haven’t heard back yet, but they’re probably busy. :confused:

Justin’s really into Huberman’s work, and his beginner method follows much of his advice. A podcast with them could be great, eh?

So, I’d ask and encourage (all of!) you to suggest Justin as a guest on the Huberman Lab podcast. :slight_smile: That seems to be the best way to make that happen!

We got many comments suggesting this on our Social Media, so please mention it to Huberman’s team as well if you have a chance. :slight_smile:


That sounds good. We can hope he likes the idea.




Or drink enough to make it harder…

Clearly I’m not the only one that this lesson has made an impression on, judging by the flurry on the forum
But wow, this really works.
I’ve been aware for some time that exercising the inner ear for balance is great for everyone for many health reasons as we get older. So I brushed my teeth standing on one leg like the tell ion in the Sunday papers. W
Well, I did it maybe twice then forgot about it.
But now ,… seeing the immediate improvement in guitar learning capacity from doing this for me- one leg, eyes closed, really trying to centre and stay stable
it’s become a natural part of my practice routine and helps me get in the zone too.
Fab. Just fab.

I’m using Justin’s article as an excuse to learn to track stand on my mountain bike.

I think it might be helping with my guitar practice, but it’s too early to tell - might be placebo effect.

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Wow, when I have tried things like that, in my younger days, I tend to land on my head.

Hence the cervical nerve block I got yesterday, and a likely future surgery. Sigh. Take care of your bodies when you are young, it all catches up with you eventually.

I don’t think Justin means for us to take risks of hurting ourselves.

Although I do imagine him leading a troop of guitar playing unicyclists. Just don’t bring your good guitars… maybe his next guitar workshop getaway?