Well, after much deliberation and having tried many Marshall type amps including actual Marshalls I took the risky plunge and had a Carl’s Custom Amps British Overdrive Plexi 50w+ shipped to me here in the UK form a US seller on Reverb, plenty of communication and sound samples sent prior but I was still slightly worried I’d made the right choice given it would also run on 110V and I would need a step down transformer,
The 50W element didn’t worry me as I attenuate everything at home anyway through the amp switcher with the Fryette in the loop but the bonus here was the amp has its own attenuation Carl calls London Power Scaling, anyhow I’m a week in and oh my lord this amp has the clarity and definition I have been dreaming of for a long time, I’m so chuffed with it I’ve actually been in touch with Carl and ordered one of his Tweed Recording Pro Combo amps to scratch my Fender Champ itch, again with the power scaling which is pretty much essential if we want to play any of our valve [tube] amps at home
anyhow I love my new Plexi so just wanted to share with you guys
Have a great day
Congrats! Looks really cool. Looks like a super flexible version/take on the Marshall 1987x head?
Now I’m curious to see what else is in your amp rack
Happy NAD Glyn
Nice to read that you enjoy it so much
Wow looks fantastic I hope it sounds as good as it looks
Thanks Guys
Kasper, this is another interesting one, the RD its a dual stage Dumble inspired UK builder
The Dualist, 2 gain stages foot switchable with a boost too so plenty of beans before you add pedals
One really nice looking AMP, hope we get to hear something on it soon.
Congratulations Glyn!!!
Cool looking amp & you say it sounds great too? Does the Power Scaling work well (I’m looking for that “Edge of Breakup” sound without tons of volume) at lower volumes? I’m interested with amps that have a built in attenuator since I don’t have tons of space for an external one & can’t blast the volume.
I just checked out Carl’s website… looks like some interesting work… he’s in Las Cruces New Mexico… just a few hours south of me… I’ve been on the lookout for a tube amp…
My wife wants new carpet… I want a new amp…
I may be about to get into some trouble here guys!!!
That some serious amp ya got there Glyn.
Hope ya can post up some tones ya get from that.
When I see some gear I’m not familar with I google it for a review. I can’t find a review on that one. Darn.
Sure looks like ya can peel some paint with that. Or maybe break some windows? Anyways, It looks like it can be really loud.
Wondering, what do ya do for reverb or tremolo? Pedals? Or just play w/o effect.
Have fun with that man. Hope ya don’t have neighbors close by.
Heck, I don’t even think I can turn up a princeton reverb @ 12w w/o my neighbors having something to say about it. At 50w that must be able to get some real attention…
Cool kit ! Happy NAD !!
Holy doodle! You are not fooling around, are you? Congratulations on your new amp! I have a feeling that you are going to get a lot of enjoyment from it.
Hi Happy Cat, yes I took a flyer on the amp and the main reason I took the plunge on this particular one was the Power - Limit - Sag controls, I wanted something in the Marshall camp and sure it can get scary loud which isn’t my objective but these 3 knobs are great, then after that it goes through my Fryette so I can get some lovely tones without blowing the wall paper off
this is the description on the listing which sold it to me
This one has all the options - London Power Scaling (one of the best power attenuators out there, crank it up for the full tone, but listen at home/bedroom volumes), Power Sag (brown sound/variac type adjustment right on the front with a knob!), the 50w+ version, which has 4 power tubes (like a standard 100w) so you get the full feel of a 100w amp, without the blistering volume.
It has the bright and normal channels “linked” internally, no need to patch multiple inputs, you get the blend by simply adjusting the Vol of the Bright and Normal channels to taste.
It has the '67, '69, '71 switch to achieve the world of different plexi tones - from clean plexi (Hendrix, SRV) to rock crunch (EVH, AC/DC). It has a super quiet internal fan to keep those 4 power tubes happy. So well thought out and constructed.
Regarding pedals, very basic really, I have a reverb / tremolo pedal from Strymon, I use a Keely compressor, a 29 pedals JFET a 29 pedals FLWR, a Fuzz of course which I keep changing, currently a Pedal Pawn one and a spare slot for various overdrive pedals which I find I constantly change, but currently just a blues driver
I like it Glyn its great when it all comes together and you realise yip I done the right thing cheers Hec
ah I was wondering about that, sounds like an intuitive change for many uses. Sweet amp!