New and introduning myself - hello from Chris in Morecambe, Lancashire, UK

Hello to everyone thought it was time to introduce myself, my name is Chris and I’m 66 years old and currently living in Morecambe, Lancashire, on the West coast of UK.

Just retired and enjoying not doing the grind any more.

I have always wanted to learn music in particular guitar, I am registered blind although I do have some sight, learning music has always been difficult, now tech is allowing me access to this type of material, although from an eyesight point of view I will be slow, I will give it my all…and looking forward to the journey.

My gear:
Epiphone 59 les paul in conjuction with Gibson with a 5watt Marshall valve amp.
Last Friday I bought a Epiphone Hummingbird Masterbuilt accoustic to replace a cheap dreadnaught which was hard to play. I have to say I love the Hummingbird it’s great.

Currently coming to the end of Grade 1 of JG online course.
Started Justin’s solo Blues Course.
Started Justin’s Strumming SOS Course.
so plenty to keep me busy!!!

Nice to meet you all and see you around in forums/clubs.

All the best Chris.


Hi Chris,
Welcome here
I hope you have a lot of fun :sunglasses:

Greetings ,Rogier

Thank you Rogier… :grinning:

Welcome to the team, I hope you have lots of fun and please keep us up to date on your progress.
Also I’m a fellow red rose county dweller too

Dean thanks for the welcome, how close to Morecambe are you?

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Hi Chris

Welcome to the community and to retirement! I’ve recently joined here myself and everyone has been really welcoming and supportive - great vibe.

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Welcome to the forum Chris

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Welcome to the community Chris!

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Hello again Chris thanks for the intro. Make the most of this community on your journey. Many helpful folks to provide advice, guidance and support. Enjoy the ride.


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Welcome Chris and enjoy the journey.

Hi Chris,

I’m just up the road from you in Kendal and I’m working on the Blimm Course too, sure we’ll hear a lot from each other as the months tick by. So let’s enjoy the journey. :+1:

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Thanks Toby

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Thanks Don unfortunately I’m not doing BLIM this time around, hopefully next time.
How long have you been playing guitar?

Hi Chris, I’ve been picking up a guitar and trying to master it for probably near 10 years but if I had to label myself I’d say I was an average grade beginner knocking on the door of maybe an intermediate student. It’s a case of my desire seems to exceed my capability. :anguished:

I’m sure that’s not true, thanks for sharing, once again good luck with the course.

Hey Chris, welcome to the community

Thank you Tony.

I’m from Rochdale, but in the grand scheme of this far reaching app that makes us practically neighbours

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Welcome Chris!

Thank you Boris :grinning:

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