New Guitar Day! Kind of... 😅

Not much to update here this week. Last week was half term, this week was more of the same, finishing off the template and smoothing it.
If I manage to finish that for next week, I’ll probably start planning and joining the body together next Tuesday. Let’s see…
I have to make some MDF saw dust… My wife will probably not be too happy if I do it at home but I have to find a way…


Wear a mask. MDF is not nice stuff.

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Yeap, true. Guilty as charged, I wasn’t wearing one yesterday. I should make it a habit to carry a mask. It has to be ffp2 though.

I’m going to put this to a vote.
I kinda lean towards one of the designs but I’d love to have your ideas on the headstock shape.
Feel free to criticise, propose changes or pick the one you like :blush:
The only constraint is that the strings have to shoot straight into the tuning posts :face_with_head_bandage:

hmm 1 or 3

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Thanks Rob!
I was thinking the same.
Ideally I’d want it a bit wider at the top and not too pointy but those D and G strings are a bit too close together and the tuners clash if I want to have the strings straight from the slot :frowning:

What is the yellow blob on top of #3?

And #2 looks too cramped with the tuners really close to the top.

Hi Alan!
Thanks for the feedback.
The yellow thing is just a contrast to indicate that that bit would be recessed, a few mm thinner than the green bit, and there would be a feature, something like abalone inlay or something like that.

OK - then I am liking that one the best (#3 that is).

You seem to have a lot of sharp, pointy things in your designs. Are you heading towards a possible weapon-style functionality? Perhaps you are expecting to be attacked by an angry mob when you start playing? :laughing:

Wait that’s not what’s meant by being a killer guitarist?


Do a search for local Maker Spaces. There is one in most major cities and they have all the equipment you would need.

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Yeah we have something arou d, men’s sheds etc might look at some point

I’d go for #3 on the right due to its uniform shape, that’s assuming the inlay will result in a flush surface - a recess may just look odd. The other pointy ones just look, well too pointy and would need a Health and Safety sticker. :rofl:


Well I prefer number 2.


Indeed, that’s intentional for the body but not so for the headstock. Having the strings straight from the slot to the post seems to be a design limitation in this case, with those particular tuners I’ve selected at least.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: It’s an axe after all, no?

That’s a good idea. But before I joined that course I googled my area and there was none :cry:

Toby (@TheMadman_tobyjenner), Stefan (@SgtColon ) thanks for the input!
I’m between 1 and 3 too and Toby you’re right, the idea is that this little area will be recessed first but with the inlay will come to the same thickness as the other bit. I feel thought it might be a bit boring of a shape so it will definitely need some spicying up. Come to think about this, if I use a piece of the figured maple and stain it to make it pop while keeping the green area black (or whatever) that would make a really good contrast.

I came up with one more. I don’t think I dig it though. :unamused:

Headstock design is not trivial. here are some ideas.

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Thanks Matt (@Matt125 )!
Nice picture collecting all the 3+3 headstocks, much appreciated!

The Schecter is the one I had in mind with the last one I uploaded.
I might as well scale the picture to the dimensions I want :smirk:

Thanks to everyone’s feedback and Matt’s picture which reminded me I had spread the tuners mode than I needed, I think I nailed it now… or maybe not… I still have an hour before I call it a day… :rofl:

IMHO. The horns on the body are a bit too thin. They’ll possibly be a weak spot in your design.

Yes, I was thinking the same thing. Interesting link, thanks. If this is your first instrument I would suggest playing it safe and not going too far away from established shapes. The Schecter looks similar to the PRS that he said was ideal (only the angled top is reversed).