New learner from Lebanon

Hello there
I’m AJ, from Lebanon. I bought my first guitar almost a month ago and started my journey to fulfill my dream of learning guitar. It is not an easy thing to do, and it requires a lot of time and effort. It has been really fun so far, and I’m excited to be a part of this lovely community! I hope we all reach our set goals while, most importantly, enjoying every second of the journey.
It would be great to get in contact with other beginners from different places to share our progress and motivate each other to keep going, so don’t hesitate to contact me so we can get in touch!


Hello AJ, welcome to the community forum.

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Welcome to forum AJ

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Hello an welcome to our community AJ. :slight_smile:

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Hi AJ,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:

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Hi Welcome to the community good luck with your journey and enjoy :+1:

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Welcome to the Community, AJ. I hope you enjoy your journey :smiley:
I spent the first 10 years of my life in Beirut (Antelias) and have fond memories of the place.
Here’s some old family film footage of fun days out in Byblos and Baalbek :smiley:


Welcome my friend,

Great community here. Join in the fun, stick close to Justin’s lessons, and reach out anytime.
All the best.

Cheers, Shane

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oh wow that video is amazing, it’s great that these special moments were captured and put together. It made me miss Lebanon even more.

Hi AJ Welcome to the JG Community! One of my favourite blues guitarists, Otis Grand (stage name, his real name was Fred Bishti) who sadly died earlier this year, was originally from Lebanon. Maybe you can follow in his footsteps and start a tradition of great Lebanese guitarists!


Welcome, Aj!

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I have never heard of him before, I love me some blues so I’ll definitely check out his stuff. Thank you, and I really hope I’d reach that level one day.

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Welcome in AJ! We have a lot of people from the US and UK here. Always makes me happy to see people from other parts of the world - making music really is a universal form of expression and joy. Wishing you many happy years of playing, and looking forward to seeing or hearing you play :slight_smile:

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Hello AJ :grinning:

A very warm welcome to the community :hugs:

Great that you’ve picked up your first guitar and started to make your dream come true. You’ve found the perfect place here.
Oh yes, learning guitar surely isn’t an easy thing, but it’s worth the time and effort. And with some practice you’ll soon enjoy your progress and your new skills.

Have lots of fun on your musical journey :guitar:

Cheers from Germany
Gunhild :lady_beetle:

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