New subcategory of players…THE RHYTHMICALLY CHALLENGED

Hi Kev,

Don’t think of yourself as “Rhythmically Challenged”…
instead consider yourself “SYNCOPATED”!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Seriously though, reading this thread brought to mind a couple of things…

  1. Justin’s lesson (back in Grade 1?) on tapping your foot. I have a hard time tapping my foot in time so I try to CONSCIOUSLY tap my foot, hands, fingers, bob my head etc. to music wherever I am & have found that this helps a lot.

  2. Putting songs I really like on the stereo & play the “groove” on the guitar WITH ALL THE STRINGS MUTED… no stress about fingering chords, no worries about hitting the right strings, no looking even - eyes closed & just grooving along to music I love - different genres & totally different time signatures etc. This REALLY, REALLY, REALLY (to quote Justin) makes me FEEL it.

Also, consider this - I remember Steve Martin in the first few minutes of “The Jerk”… he just couldn’t find the groove - until he heard music he identified with. Definitely not the most PC of movies & not something we all find funny - but I sometimes feel that same pain while trying to play along with the metronome over a challenging chord progression & being unable to “keep time”. Maybe trying to play stuff you love - Easy Guitar versions help - can make it a bit easier.

Just a few thoughts… But at any rate, count me in with the RCC (Rhythmically Challenged Club)!



Sometimes when you least expect it…. things just “click”!!!




:rofl::rofl::rofl: so funny!

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I know, right? :joy:
But it’s funny because it does actually happen in life sometimes and in guitar playing regularly… that F’ing F chord that just won’t happen for the longest time and then one day it seems like you can’t stop it from sounding perfect!!! Then the next day……. :-1:t2:… but once it’s worked out once, you KNOW it’s going to work again! Hills, Valleys & Plateaus… the scenery just keeps the journey interesting!!!


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:smiley: that’s why a slow pace is reccomended then! You can better enjoy the landscape! :wink:

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So funny :joy: :joy: :joy:!

Yes, the same happened to me with my 6/8 strumming. I guess, I was approximately as overjoyed as the guy in the video, when it finally said “click” in my head :slightly_smiling_face:

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