New to guitar

Hi - Terri here, from ABQ, New Mexico, US. Retired from higher ed, and currently teach fitness classes to older adults. I have a music background (piano and, a million yrs ago, violin) but new to guitar. I like Justin’s approach to teaching and enjoy this community. I’m past 50 :face_with_peeking_eye: but a life-long learner. Fingers don’t quite work the way I want but using the chord “cheats” to stumble through a few songs. Giving myself a year…a little practice most days. And, yes, like everyone else (and nitsuj), working through the sore fingers. :joy:


Welcome to the forum Terri. Sounds like a good background but don’t let that spoil your guitar journey. Justin’s approach is pretty unique. I wandered around for nearly 2 aimless decades and pretty much learnt zero but since I arrived here its been an onwards and upwards steady path.
Be patient and take your time. For sure you will need more than a year but look around and see what other folks are achieving here. And hey it won’t be long before those sore fingers are just history.


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Welcome to the community, Terri. :slight_smile:

Just a little patience and perseverance and those sore fingers will be history soon. Almost all of us went through this successfully. :smiley:
Sounds like a profund musical foundation to build on.

Wish you loads of fun on your guitar journey!

Cheers - Lisa


Hi Terri, welcome!

I find the same thing with piano!

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Hi Terri! Welcome back to music. I’ve sung in choirs and played the trumpet in community bands, but never a stringed instrument. I’m still at sore fingers (going from A to D and back again). I’m going to post about me in a bit, but I’m glad to have so many people along for the journey. David

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Hello Terri & Bienvenidos from another Albuquerquean!!!
I always advise those who are new to playing guitar to have your instrument on a stand so it’s easy to pick up when you have a few minutes… I like to play while my coffee is brewing in the morning! I also keep an acoustic & an electric in a corner of my office at work to play on a break! It keeps the practice easier to be consistent!
Good luck with your musical journey!!!


Hey Terri welcome to JG!

yep thats totally normal! And the sore fingers obv, they go away with time but you’re always pushing for harder fingering and chords etc…

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Welcome to the forum Terri

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Hi Terri,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:

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:wave: , Hi and welcome to the group. :slight_smile:


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Yes, good advice…I do have mine sitting nearby and pick it up even if for a few minutes…

Welcome Terri. Give yourself all the time you need.

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Welcome to the forum Terri. I remember the finger pain well. Couldn’t play for more than 5 minutes before the pain was too much. So I did that 3 times a day till the calluses developed. Hang in there, it gets better and the reward is so worth it.

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Hi Terri, welcome to the community forum. The piano and early violin exposure should help you as you advance in guitar. Keep practicing and it will eventually get easier to play chords.

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Welcome aboard Terri, the sore fingers will pass, just persevere, little and often until they get used to it.
You’ll do well with Justin Guitar. The lessons are great. It’s a journey though and you’ll have ups and downs.
This is the best community ever for support so dive in whenever you need. Lots of us over 50’s so you’re in good company.

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