New trick - whoops

I learned a new trick today!


Haha, he’s ‘Still Waiting’ for it to come down :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Drummer is like - dude…!

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:joy: :joy: It was said about having some stop-ends on your strap attachments.

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Grolsch bottle washers you need dear sir, the force will then be with you :nerd_face: :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

More like…. FFS, dumba55!

How did the drummer keep playing? I would have been laughing too hard.

Dear Justin,

Sorry, but I am unable to do my practice tonight. Was practicing Drop D tuning as per your recent new video lesson. But now I need to mend the window. And then I need to go find my guitar. Think it’s in the rhubarb patch.

