Next step on my road of improvising

This is what my new multi FX toy has allowed me to do more easily than before, the presets are pretty good and only need minimal adjustment to get what I want. This is the first 3 minutes of a total of 15 minutes, the whole thing could become monotonous, 3 minutes gives you the majority of my inspirations to do what I wanted.
Additionally I used my Ebow, a volume pedal and an ElectroHarmonix Mel9 for Keys emulation.
It’s been a long time coming but I am really enjoying this new (to me) way of making music!



Your music has a charm that encourages me to keep listening. Really enjoyed this piece.


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Wow, Darrell that is sweeeeet!!! Great sounds and execution. Then at 1:30 it was if a full blown orchestra came in. Loved it.

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Darrell - that sounds absolutely amazing! I would have been happy with the 15 min version :+1:

Did you program the drums and bass?

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Sounds great Darrell. So good to hear music from you. Some really sweet tones.

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The drums I programmed some of it and also used parts of some I got from my FX and some from GarageBand. The Bass I played myself through the FX and straight into GarageBand. It’s been a lot of fun learning how to do a lot of the stuff and I have made lots of mistakes, still not sure how to fade the end out :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

It’s been a long time coming David but I think that since I ‘freed myself’ from the restrictions of playing other people’s songs and decided to just do my own thing it’s so much more interesting!
It was tough to start with, starting from a blank canvas always is (as you probably know already) but I did have a few idea where to start - so I researched a few examples of the styles I wanted to try and just looked at the structure and FX they were using. Fortunately it’s not cost me a fortune, quite a small amount really but well researched and wisely spent!

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Hi Darrell! Wow that sounds absolutely amazing! I listened to it twice and really enjoyed the music itself and of course the sound!

Mike :+1: :+1:

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Many thanks Mike, it’s been a bit of a revelation for me, loosing the ties of learning what others have done and just following my feelings has been very empowering. There’s more to come, I’m busy exploring other ideas!