NGD, ain't she a beauty?

Well, I couldn’t resist, she was available at a bargain price, it’s a cheap LP lookalike, with a tune-o-matic bridge, 2 humbuckers, a nice black polish and she’s much lighter than my Strat, I had a couple of troubles changing the strings and the tuners (I prefer locking ones). I also added a pickguard that I had to tune up a bit, the controls being closer to the pickups than on a real LP.

I know, not exactly the wonderful guitar to write family about, but I like how different she feels from the Strat, maybe easier for me to use, and as light as she is my back thanks me already.

I know, after 2 weeks of starting, why the h*ll another guitar ? Let’s call it a compulsive purchase…


Wait, second guitar after two weeks? Good work!

I’m surprised its lighter than a strat that isnt normal!

A proper LP will have a shorter scale length, so shorter neck, smaller frets, lower tension for the same weight strings etc. This all helps play-ability some, it has its own downsides but that is somewhat specific.

Congrats on the new guitar!

Black on black with ebony fretboard? Filthy gorgeous.

Happy NGD! She sure is a beauty! Can’t wait to hear it.

I love compulsions! Slick new toy! Enjoy your time on it, at least until the next one…maybe you can make it 4 weeks?


Happy NGD!! She is gorgeous! :heart_eyes:
Congratulations :tada: :partying_face:

:rofl: Love it! :joy: Why wait when you know :grin: :sunflower:

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Wow ,absolutely beautiful :sunglasses:

Happy NGD :partying_face: :sunglasses:


Nice Jean-Michel!! Enjoy! :+1: :guitar: :heartbeat:

Her name’s Gorgeous, no need to get complicated, and it rhymes with Precious :innocent:

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Happy NGD!

Happy NGD :slight_smile:

Happy NGD :partying_face:
Gorgeous looks awesome :star_struck:
Have lots of fun together :musical_note: :guitar:

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Very very nice, happy NGD.


That looks really smart I have a gold top LP copy from vintage guitars but as its made from solid mahogany its really heavy in fact I have to rest the body on a cushion otherwise I have to push the neck down with my fretting hand not good but getting used to it.

Happy NGD, Jean-Michel! :partying_face: :smiley:

A black beauty it is - wish you lots of fun together. :slight_smile:

Nice one Jean-Michel & Happy NGD!!!

Always fun to have choices… which guitar to play today, Hmmmm?
Have a Blast with Gorgeous & Precious!!!


I actually like that the pickup toggle is down with the volume and tone. I dont mind the weight of the LP in fact they are generally my favorite electric to play, but I have never been a fan of the toggle above the strings. I generally leave the volume on the neck pick up OFF and use the toggle as a type of on/off switch and I end up occasionally hitting the toggle with my wild playing. Its a small thing and mostly results from my lack of control in wailing out but I can see that a huge personal advantage.