Ngd cort sfx

For Christmas my daughter wanted a guitar. I had tried playing over 20 years ago and had an old kay guitar that has floated around the extended family. I tracked it down a and had it restrung and gave it to her. Since then I have been picking it up and playing almost more than my daughter. After signing up for the app I started to looking at the local classified and found me a new guitar. After a week of arranging to pick it up I finally got it home.

Played it today and am really excited.


Sweet new guitar! Enjoy it, unless your daughter “borrows” it from you.

When I started playing, I was hoping that I would be an example that encouraged my then 11 yo daughter to continue with violin….the first failure of my guitar journey.:cry:

Looks good, enjoy. :smiley:

Nice looking finish :+1: it’s always exciting getting something new :crazy_face: :+1: Enjoy, look forward to hearing it in AVOYP :+1:

Hi Casey,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:

And Happy NGD :partying_face: :sunglasses:
Nice one and I wish you a lot of time together :smiley:


That’s a beautiful Cort, Casey! :smiley: Happy NGD! :partying_face:

My first “real” guitar was a Cort, too. Still with me after 20 years and my most played guitar. :slight_smile:

Very nice! She’s beautiful! :smiley:
Happy NGD! :tada: :grinning: :sunflower:

Happy NGD, Casey! This guitar looks beautiful :star_struck:.
I wish you lots of fun with it :smiley:.

Very nice. Happy NGD.

Happy NGD, pretty pattern. :slight_smile:

That is beautiful! Do you know what wood the back is with that amazing pattern that almost (but not quite) looks like walnut burr?

Thanks everyone corts website says back is a quilted maple

Happy NGD Casey.

I love the colour on your guitar and it’s great to read that you are excited after playing it.