NGD Fender Blues Junior IV

Hey everyone,

My new tube amp, the Fender Blues Junior IV arrived today after ordering it Tuesday from Sweetwater and I couldnā€™t be happier with my choice and decision to get this particular amp! It is exactly what I was looking for and the tone/sound is awesome! My Donner DST-152 Strat-A-Like sounds like a completely different guitar now plugged into my Blues Junior! Well worth the money!



I so nearly pulled the trigger myself a while back. Love this amp ā€¦ and it looks absolutely gorgeous too.


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Hi Tony ,
Happy uhhhā€¦ well the topic say NGD where the G normally stands for ā€˜Guitarā€™ or ā€˜Gearā€™ for you, but it is a good practice here to replace the ā€œGā€ with an ā€˜Aā€™ for Ampā€¦ :roll_eyes:

so so sorry for this ,Iā€™ll go to the concierge again :pensive:

Just wantend to say ,

Tony Happy NAD :partying_face: :sunglasses: :partying_face:
I wish you a lot of fine tones and a lot of playing with it :sunglasses:


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Congrats Tony!
Thatā€™s what matters imho. That you enjoy your gear and it inspires you.

When I was looking at buying a amp, that blues jr 4 was top on my short list of amps that I could afford and thought would sound good and be appropriate for my use. I love a amp that has great tone and the bj4 met that requirement I felt.
May you have many years of enjoyment out of it.

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I had this amp a few years back and sold it . Big mistake I loved that amp and they are so loud. Have fun with it.

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Thanks everyone for your comments. Definitely exceeds my expectations with itā€™s rich sound. And of course, as previously mentioned, itā€™s a beautiful amp with itā€™s vintage tweed look!


Lurrrvelyā€¦! Iā€™ve hankered after one for a while. Enjoy!!

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Happy NAD, Tony. Looks sweet. I hope you have many years of happiness from it.

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A friend of mine uses NGD where G is ā€˜gearā€™. He plays keyboards. I got the feeling using ā€˜gearā€™ was generic across disciplines.

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Thanks Notter and SgtColon! Looking forward to enjoying it for years to come.

Thatā€™s the way Iā€™ve always referred to it, as ā€˜gearā€™ but itā€™s all good and whatever a person prefers. :blush:


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Add me to the Envious List. Which speaker did you choose?

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I got the one with the Sweetwater exclusive Eminence Red, White and Blues speaker.

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Great amp, sound good on its own but takes pedals as well!


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Indeed it is and I already had planned on getting an Ibanez Tube Screamer TS808 pedal and maybe a Vox 846 Wah Wah eventually as well.

The more I use this amp, the more I love it. Canā€™t say enough good things about it.


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Congratulations Tony!
Looks cool and Iā€™m sure it sounds even better!

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Happy NAD Tony!

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Thanks Lefteris and The CluelessLuthuier!

They had the traditional black but that vintage tweed look kept calling me plus it complements the sunburst on my guitar. Iā€™m still amazed and the rich sound that this amp produces with the exact same guitar. It makes playing that much more fun! Definitely has that Texas blues sound I wanted. Eventually will add an Ibanez TS808 pedal to it but no hurry on that. Wanna enjoy the pure sound of my tube amp. Dang, I sound like a proud father donā€™t I?! :laughing:


Haha means youā€™re enjoying it, whoā€™s gonna say anything negative about that?

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Good point! And , yeah, I am really enjoying it! So glad I made the purchase!