NGD Finally!

Happy new gear day Craig. Lot’s to play with there and we now expect great things from you. :wink:

Happy NGD Enjoy :slight_smile:

:joy::joy: well I can’t promise anything Stefan but I’ll sure be giving it a shot and enjoying the journey. :+1::grin:

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Happy new gear day Craig! Some nice recording equipment there. I have the same monitoring headphones and I love them! I even brought them on my trip to London and am using them with the Fender Mustang Micro to practice with.

Happy tinkering! I’m sure you’ll love the upgraded sound recording quality with your new gear :smiley:

Hi Firas @firasR, yes, I found the headphones comfortable and good sound, I’m pretty happy with them. I’m amazed at how a vocal sounds with the Shure mic too. Plenty to keep me busy for a while :+1:

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