NGD Finally!

Finally got around to visiting the music store for some items to experiment with.

I must admit I was probably sold on the original Gen 3 Focusrite then the Gen 4 came out but it was nearly double the price of the Behringer and I just couldnā€™t justify that :scream:

Thanks to all the people on here that have given their opinions and guidance on the AIs. The Behringer connected seamlessly and Iā€™ve down some testing, sounds great, just need to iron out the settings to get full value. :+1:


All set to crank out some tunes from your Home Studio, Craig. Have fun and I look forward to the listening.

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Craig @CD02
The kit looks good I am sure you are going to have some fun. But beware you are just about to enter a very deep rabbit hole.:rabbit2::rabbit2::rabbit2::rabbit2:

Happy New Gear Day, Craig! :partying_face: :star_struck:

Looks like an amazing toolkit to spent some hours of fun and recording with. May I ask what this blue thing in the middle is and what it is used for? Canā€™t really get it from the pic. :sweat_smile:

Wish you lots of fun and joy exploring the new toys. :smiley: Looking forward what you will be coming up with!

Cheers - Lisa

Exciting! Wishing you lots of fun with it!

@Lisa_S It seems to be a 3m microfone cable :face_with_monocle: :smiley:


Thanks a lot, Franz. You are probably right - and I should get new glasses I guess. :rofl:

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I am so there already. how do I get out please?

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Keep digging :rofl:


Mike @mikemycroft
Sorry no I donā€™t have an answer.
The deeper you go there are more and more branches you come across, one of them might lead to the surface but not sure about that.

if your experience is anything like mine, youā€™ll soon be spending money upgrading your computer to cope! More RAM = more tracks, more plugins :crazy_face:

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Does that mean I need a new audio interface?
I need a new audio interface am I right?
That must be the equivalent of a spade surely?:joy:

Yes to all the aboveā€¦:joy:

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When you say ā€œbranchā€ I think you mean ā€œside chainā€
But I need a new mixer for thatšŸ˜‚

Mike @mikemycroft
Life is all jargon isnā€™t it :grinning:

I am sure you will need a new AI. I believe they wear out and need to be replaced, well that is what I told the missus :rofl: At one time I had as many AIs and guitars but I turned left instead of right, where the light was coming from and could not find a shovel. Thinking a guitar was of a loosely similar shape, I bought some more. ! :sunglasses:


:scream: I think Iā€™m already in Mike :roll_eyes: Iā€™m developing an unnatural urge to keep buying things :crazy_face:

Correct, nothing too exciting just the XLR cable.

LOL, too late :roll_eyes: bought a new laptop he same day :joy: but we were overdue for an upgrade, or at least that was my excuse.


Aha, looks like youā€™ve got all you need to kick off the recording journey.

It takes time and a lot of tries but developing skill in recording yourself is surely time well invested!

Looking forward to another part of the journey @LievenDV :+1:

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I reckon I see some more AVOYPs in your future. There is so much depth to recording, Iā€™ve barely scratched the surface myself. Enjoy.