NGD - Gibson LP Standard 60s

Hi Boris,
Happy NGD :partying_face: :sunglasses:
Amazing guitar :star_struck:
Have a lot of fun with it ,

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Beautiful, luverly looking just out off interest how much heavier is it than the later versions?

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Thank you Roger. :slight_smile:

Thank you Amanda.
This guitar was made in Nov 23, so very recently. If you meant comparison with actual LP from 1960s, they should be very similar in weight. Since 2019 Gibson produces LP standard guitars without weight relief in the body. They would weight in a range roughly from 8lbs to 10lbs, mine is 9.1lbs. Compared to 7lbs PRS it is a significant difference, especially if you’re standing for some time. :slight_smile:

Man, you scored a real beautiful guitar there Boris! Congrats for sure.
What a great looking guitar. The top is stunning to the max! It’s no wonder ya don’t wanna put it down, I wouldn’t either.

May you and your new guitar make some great music!

A Les Paul would be on my short list of guitars to get. For whatever reason, I seem to be drawn to Gibson’s more than other guitars.
My dream will likely never be fulfilled as I just don’t see me ever having the bread to acquire one. But I can dream…

Congrats, I hope to hear ya play it hear on the forum. :wink:

edit, what’s your choice of amp to play that through? Granted, it likely sounds great through any amp. After all, it is a Les Paul, :slight_smile: :slight_smile:
Just wondering?

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Thank you Jim, I appreciate it.

I have Orange micro terror valve amp and Spark modelling amp. I would love a proper big tube amp, but I think that kind of noise in my circumstances (terraced house) would cause both a divorce and neighbours go crazy, so still resisting. :smiley:

Happy NGD Boris. That is one tasty looking guitar. :ok_hand:

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Man, I bet them amps ya got do justice for your new guitar. I read nothing but good about both of the ones ya got.
As for a "proper big’’ tube amp. I hear ya in wanting one, me too, but near any amp can be too loud I’m thinking. + seems like ya need a bit of space to put them too.
I’m gonna resist too. But I sure do want a cool new guitar like you just got. :wink: That don’t take up much space. :slight_smile:
Congrats again on your new instrument.

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Nice guitar.

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Beautiful guitar, congratulations!

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Hi Boris & Happy (belated) NGD!!!
That’s a beautiful LP!!! Are you using it for the Blues Immersion course?
Enjoy her!!!


Thank you Tod! :smiley: Yes, I am using it for BLIM, hardly played any other guitar since I got this one. :smiley:

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That is a gorgeous top; congrats on your new guitar!

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