NGD - Gibson LP Standard 60s

My new guitar! After few months of looking online and about a month of going around shops (5 shops/16 guitars tried), I came back home with this pretty one. It is a heavy guitar, it plays and sounds fantastic and can sustain a tone forever, it seems. I simply love this guitar and I can’t put it down. :smiley:


Lovely guitar, happy NGD.


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Nice flame! Congrats!

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Gorgeous! Congrats!

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That’s a very pretty top, congratulations. I’ve got one with similar colouring, but I have somewhat controversially taken off the pickguard - personally I prefer the naked look.


Happy NGD. Looks amazing

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I agree completely. These are some beautiful guitars. The pickguards are just ugly. I suppose they’re purpose is to protect the top from scratches; that is, the tops you can’t even see because they’re hidden by the pickguards. If they had been originally produced without a guard, then the purists would have been upset if people started adding one later.


That’s a very pretty guitar!

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@Libitina, @Alexeyd, @acrein, @Rosshkerr, @RobDickinson

Thank you very much!

@mathsjunky, @dblinden

The most famous LP is without pickguard, so purists lose the argument IMO. :slight_smile:
Cosmetics aside, what I noticed after playing Standard and LP modern figured (no pickguard) is that pickguard raises and level the area below the strings and my pinkie and ring finger feel a bit more familiar touching/resting there for orientation when picking individualn notes. It is a subtle difference though.

Thank you guys!


I do think Gibson could figure a way to secure it without drilling additional holes.

Excellent! … Now … Play it like you’ve stolen it :grin:

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That is a very pretty guitar. Congratulations!

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The problem Gibson has now it that the ‘purists’ won’t let them do anything to the original design. They shot themselves in the foot in 2015, and now don’t want to mess with anything.
They have built a market for the ‘as close to the original as possible’ reissue and, for now at least it works for them.
With that said, I have to say I’m a bit of a purist myself when it comes to Les Paul (and Fenders). However I’d be interested in the average age of a buyer, I think a combination of price (they are just crazy expensive now) and the fact that they are seen as ‘old fashioned’ by many younger players means Gibson might find one of their key markets ebbing away over time.
I do love these guitars though!

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To be fair they also have a line of modern guitars if you don’t want the traditional

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For sure and I’m sure they are great guitars, but I love the heritage. I do wonder how much of their revenue is coming from the traditional models. Gibson has a history of sailing close to the wind financially - It must be very difficult to balance the ‘goose that lays the golden eggs’ with attracting a new younger customer base.

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I think those days are long gone they are a very profitable company now, milking the heritage to the max


Happy NGD. The finish is quite something. :slight_smile:

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Happy NGD, Boris :partying_face::champagne:! That’s a beautiful guitar :heart_eyes:.
I wish you lots of fun with your new six-string-friend :smiley:.

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The is a beautiful guitar, Boris, great top! I’ve had one for a few years and the enjoyment of playing it hasn’t worn off. Mine was produced without a guard and the previous owner did not add it. I like the naked look so I have not put one on. At this point I could not bring myself to drill the holes.

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@Wishbone71, @LunaRocket, @Richard_close2u, @NicoleKKB, @nhh2oskr

Thank you so much! :smiley: