NGD - Hagstrom Ultra Max Special - Sanguine Red Burst šŸŽø

@nzmetal Thanks Jeff! Thanks for the nice comment! I already love it!
@CD02 Thanks, Graig!


This side of the forum is great :smiley: Tell you what though, the BLIM area is SUPER busy, I canā€™t keep up with it!


Moinā€™ Andrea :grinning:
Doing a bit of ā€˜catch upā€™ this morning and caught sight of this beauty :open_mouth:
I have great fondness for the Hagstrƶm brand.
I bought a Viking semi-hollow on the advice of our sensei, Richard and loved it.
Unfortunately the body was a bit too unwieldy for me to play in my favourite practice position (lying down on the couch in front of the TV :roll_eyes:) so it was reluctantly sold for a more comfortable tele style G&L
Iā€™m sure youā€™ll love it even more as time progresses.

Pass auf, meine Liebe! :wink: :rofl:

Hello Andrea :smiley:

Happy NGD :partying_face:

Oh yes, you need a red one in your collection, but your new guitar family member is especially beautiful :heart_eyes:
Really outstanding - I love the colour (and everything else) :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Surely you are going to have tons of fun together :musical_note: :guitar: :notes:

Greetings :lady_beetle:


What are the chancesā€¦ 2 references in 24 hours about this Brian thingie :rofl:

Best dressed ā€¦musicians


ā€¦ and I comment on the one I wasnā€™t tagged in :wink: :rofl:

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I remember this one, I tried a Viking at my local guitar store, a very beautiful guitar, felt very comfortable and I almost bought it, but did not due to the size. Unfortunately as a small store he couldnā€™t order any Swedes or Ultra Max for a reasonable price. Not so easy to get a Hagstrom here.

I do, I do :joy:!
@Gunhild Thanks Gunhild! We already get closer and I hope to get to a decent level - one day :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:!


Beautiful guitar!!

My excuse when I wanted to buy my Olive green double bound tele was that it was a Fender special run and therefore wouldnā€™t be available later. Just like your Hagstrom. Then, I got a semi hollow because someone was selling it cheap and I concluded that i could never pass up such a great opportunity as I would never het such a good offer. I didnā€™t regret either and Iā€™m only on Grade 2!

This is all just today that you will surely find an excuse to add that Tele player plus to your collection as well!!! What colour was it? Thatā€™s important!!!

Have fun with the NG. It looks great.

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Thanks, Ian! There is a saying, that a new guitar will find usā€¦
Iā€™m very aware, that a new guitar wonā€™t make me a better player and Iā€™m by far not at that point, where e.g. I ā€œneedā€ certain gear for a special purpose.
I tried a whole bunch of different guitar shapes before and I couldnā€™t believe, how different two guitars with the same shape can feel. My ratio told me definitely not to buy a guitar online! It was kind of a lottery, but it was such a, how we call it, hop or top momentā€¦
Enough guitars for now, but Iā€™m sure, at a pointā€¦

sweet guitar, congratulations :smiley:

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Very nice guitar indeed, congratulations! Makes my viking blood boil a bit!
Ylva would be a very old swedish name not Ylvie ! Sorry!
Greetings from Uppsala Sweden the old viking capital and the center for the old nordic religion.

Hey Lars, thank you! Sorry for maybe abusing the name in a wrong way! Ylvi is a fictive character of an animated film. I looked it up and got the information, that Ylvi is a deminuitive of the Swedish Ylwa. I took the liberty to add the ā€œeā€. Anyway, who cares? But, should have known, that there are Vikings out there :wink::joy:!
Greetings to Uppsala!!

Ylva i a very old name and it means a female wolf. The male wolf is Ulv or Ulf!
Hagstrƶm is also a Swedish family name and there was a company with that name that made accordions and later guitars as well. That company does not exist any more but somebody bought the brand and builds guitars somewhere in Asia.
Very interesting with three humbuckers.

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Yes, Iā€™m aware about the names and their meaning. Ulf is a name that exists in Germany too. I liked the aspect of the wolves, very interesting animals and it just fitted for the guitar, I think.
I read a lot about Hagstrom guitars and also that the real company doesnā€™t exist anymore, I guess it was an US company who took over and they, like so many others, decided to produce in Asia in terms of cost saving. However, I like the guitar and itā€™s very well made.

Oh, you are from Germany! I speak German since I did attend die Realschule in Escwege/Hessen in my youth during SchĆ¼leraustausch. What kind of music do you like? I am into everything from classic to blues but Heavy Metal and Rap is not on my agenda!
Where in Germany do you live?
Do you have any previous music experience, i.e. before signing in with Justin?
I learned the very basics very, very long time ago. Life happened and I tried to do a comeback at 40 but I did not work out.


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Iā€™m living in the very south, close to the Austrian border. My musical taste is very broad, from classical music up to Hard Rock. I love blues based music and also guitar driven music and I really like real, honest music. Most of what is played by common radio stations doesnā€™t float my boat, sometimes, Iā€™m asking myself why so much of the trash (sorry) sells so good. Maybe Iā€™m getting oldā€¦
I didnā€™t have any musical experience before, I started late in life from scratch, although my grandfather and great-grandfather were professional musicians.
Iā€™m very grateful having found Justin, for me. it was the chance to discover an instrument without being tied to a music school or in person teacher. I enjoy every moment I can put into this experience!

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