NGD - Hagstrom Ultra Max Special - Sanguine Red Burst 🎸

It’s been a few weeks now I was able to unexpectedly embrace a new member of my guitar family :heart:!
Like most people here, I do a lot of research and window shopping on guitars and gear :roll_eyes: and the Ultra Max Special was one of those guitars I couldn’t get out of my mind any more. I was pretty relaxed as a new guitar should only be bought after finishing Grade 3, I wasn’t in a hurry, but at a point, I realised, that my favourite model out of the limited series was not longer built. They only make a limited number of each edition designwise and my favourite colour wasn’t available any more. So I started to watch the used market. Some of them appeared online, but not in best conditions, the only one I would have considered to buy disappeared from one day to the other and I buried my ambitions.
I went to my local store and they had an other Hagstrom model, but not my prefered one.
I tried a few Les Paul Style ES models and Telecasters during a visit in a bigger guitar store, just to get as much guitar models into my hands as possible, but didn’t find a real connection to any of the single cuts or hollow bodys they had to offer. I connected very much with a Fender Player Plus Telecaster, put it on top of my wish list, but left the shop without a guitar.
A few weeks later, suddenly the ad reappeared on the used market platform and I contacted the seller. The guitar was almost brand new, in best condition and we could negotiate a fair price.

And then, she came:

The colour is simply amazing. Solid mahogany body and neck, flamed maple top.
Spec-wise it’s “special” as it’s the long scale 25,5’’ on a single cut, it has 2 ALNICO Humbuckers neck/bridge and a fancy Mini Humbucker (wooh, hooo, the mini is everything but mini!) in the middle. It offers 2 split options, a multi versatile guitar all over, just as I wanted. She feels and sounds great, I like the slim neck profile and she’s very well balanced. Everything on this guitar looks and feels like top quality. Extremely well crafted, I didn’t find anything to complain about.
I named her Ylvie, because she’s a Swedish girl and it’s one of the few Swedish names I know (apart from Agnetha), out of a cartoon series (Wickie) :blush:.
I have to admit, I’m a bit distracted these days exploring the new instrument, currently side tracked by diving deeper into electric techniques, improving my power chords and muting abilities and having lots of fun.
I ticked the “every girl needs to have a red guitar” box :joy:. :heavy_check_mark:
Ok, ok, I know the Telecaster box is still open, but that’s a different story and has to wait… promised :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:!

I totally forgot to add a video how it can sound (I’m not there yet… :joy:)


Hi Andrea,
Happy NGD :partying_face: :sunglasses:

An absolute beauty of a guitar, I think the color is incredibly beautiful, but also the pickups and the rest of the chrome and the neck and the headstock… very kissable :star_struck:


and this week my girl have a vacation so I’m going to take her out to dinner a guitar shop a few times :innocent:

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Thanks Rogier!

Build it up, first dinner… next day guitar shop…it will pay off :joy:! But maybe, that isn’t necessary in your case, because your wife seems to be such a sweetheart and slresdy understood… :partying_face:.

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Wow that’s a stunner Andrea, loving that.
Happy NGD.


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Just Stunning, love the red. :+1: :guitar:


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Hi Andrea,
Whoa, that’s a serious guitar :smiley:! Flamed maple top, lot’s of different tone options…
May I ask how light or heavy she is?


Thanks, @TheMadman_tobyjenner @Libitina
@franzek I read in a review, that it has about 3,5 kg. It doesn’t feel too heavy, so I believe it could very lokely be true :blush:.

I totally forgot to add a video how it sounds (if other people play :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:), I’ll edit this to my original post.


Congratulations Andea & Happy NGD!!!
What a Beautiful Red Guitar!!!

According to my wife, not only should you “girls” (not intended to be offensive here) have a red guitar, :guitar:you should also have matching red lipstick :lipstick: and shoes :high_heel:!!!

Personally, I love my red guitar… but I NEVER wear lipstick :lipstick:!!! :rofl:

Back to your new girl… I just watched the video! Wow! Some great Jazzy tones coming out of this solid body!!! Love the middle mini-bucker!!! Gorgeous headstock & tuning machines!!! Definitely has the looks to go with the sounds she is putting out!!!

Also, I think giving her a Swedish name was a great idea… Ylvie… she’s going to play twice as Sweet because of that!!!

Have a blast with her Andrea!!!



Dang! That is nice, a monster of a guitar! Goes to 11 for sure. Hope you have a big amp and good relations with the neighbors!

That’s not much for an LP style guitar :+1:
And her beauty really comes out in the video. Wishing you lots of fun with Ylvie :guitar: :smiley:

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Happy NGD Andrea! Beautiful guitar.

Shame on you, Agnetha was the blond one in Abba!

Nice guitar Andrea, colour is gorgeous - the pressure is on now you’ve got an amazing guitar :joy:

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Happy NGD, Andrea! :partying_face: :smiley:

Wow, it’s a really, really beautiful guitar, can’t take my eyes off! :star_struck: So happy for you you got to get her - and yes, we all need a red guitar. :guitar: :rofl:

I wish the two of you loads of fun and lots of hours of joyfully playing. :smiley:


Super cool Andrea! You must be happy with that. Looks great, and if it plays and sounds great, that’s a winner.

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That looks gorgeous and a beast of a guitar spec wise, price at a quick google isnt terrible either

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Happy NGD Andrea! That red is stunning! :guitar: beautiful guitar

Ylvie’s a real stunner, Andrea!! :star_struck: Looking gorgeous! :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:
You’ll be having a blast getting to know the new family member! :guitar: :smiley: :+1:
All the best,
Jeff :slight_smile:


Damn that looks really nice, congrats Andrea.

@CATMAN62 Thanks Tod for the nice words.

Honestly said, meanwhile I’m a bit out of the “girls” league due to my age :joy: and being very tall those red shoes aren’t an option too, because then I’m at least half a head above the average man…and then the effect changes dramatically, what the red shoes should achive turns into :dizzy_face:. So I leave it at the guitar-thing :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:!

Oh, we already had a male lingerie model here in an live stream…so, don’t worry about the lipstick… :speak_no_evil:

I surely will!

@Jamolay [quote=“Jamolay, post:10, topic:332788, full:true”]
Dang! That is nice, a monster of a guitar! Goes to 11 for sure. Hope you have a big amp and good relations with the neighbors!
It looks a lot more like a beast, than she is :joy:. She behaves very well so far, but you are right, blowing out the windows is within it’s reach…
@franzek Danke Franz!
@TheCluelessLuthier Thanks Mark!



Darrell!!! I KNOW THAT! I grew up with ABBA! What I was trying to say is, that I don’t know many Swedish names. Agnetha is one of them, but not so suitable for a guitar!? Ylvie was the one out of the comic :joy:!

uuuuh, I feel it! Currently trying to lift up my electric side. I was lost in acoustic for months and months…
@Lisa_S Thanks for the nice words, Lisa, very appreciated! Hope everything is well on your side!
@jkahn Nice to see you back on this side of the forum! And thanks for sharing my joy. Hope you’re having a great time with the BLIMMERS!

As I wrote to Joshua…she looks wilder than she is…I had an eye on Hagstrom almost since the beginning of my guitar playing. They build great guitars at reasonnable price points and I love the looks. I couldn’t justify to buy a Gibson or another very expensive guitar at this point (wouldn’t make me a better player), just wanted one of good quality.
Thanks, Jen!