NGD - How it started....and how it's going

My first guitar, an unbranded Amazon $60 special, purchased in March 2021 as I began my new guitar journey. After going through a couple of Justin’s first lessons I found this guitar absolutely…unplayable. Gritty fretboard and an action higher than Snoop Dogg on a Tuesday. Couldn’t even bring myself to give it a name.

Fast forward a couple of weeks and I find myself in a Guitar Center looking for an electric. Having not been discouraged by the abuse and despair brought forth on my ears and fingers from the Nameless One, I felt that an electric would be a good place to reset and continue my journey. I played a few and then I picked up this little beauty. A Squier Bullet Stratocaster. Smooth neck, low action, great sound, and forgiving on my fingers and ears. I quickly named her Evelyn.

Fast forward again to January 2022. The need and desire for an acoustic has set in as I have songs that I want to learn that would sound better on an acoustic. The past several weeks have been spent making sojourns to Guitar Center to play various guitars, armed this time with more knowledge and experience as to what I’m looking for in an acoustic. I finally found this one. A Fender FA-125CE. Great action, a punchy acoustic sound which I love, and the bonus of being an electric/acoustic. The only thing I’m going to do is change the strings as I’m not a fan of the standard Fender strings. This is Lola.

Fast forward to sometime later in 2022…a Telecaster-style guitar is on the horizon so stay tuned!


I always say that the right guitar will speak to you even though I ordered my Taylor through the Internet when the Pandemic first started. My husband has a Taylor that I have played and the sound is incredible so I took the leap. I was not disappointed! I must warn you though, guitar buying is an addiction, you can’t have just one, or two, or three…


I’m finding that out very quickly. It took every ounce of determination I had to walk into the guitar shop and leave without making a purchase as I was looking for this acoustic.


Hmm, seems to me that you’ve caught the dreaded GAS - Gear/Guitar acquisition syndrome, unfortunately it’s quite prominent amongst us musicians of this particular persuasion! It’s no good fighting it, it always wins sooner or later. You have been warned :joy::joy::joy:

Or 4, or 5, or 6, or 7, etc etc!


Yep definitely a bad case of GAS ! That Amazon starter reminds me of the Rock Star Academy pos I got from Amazon when I my guitars were in storage and we were looking for property in France while renting. It was marginally better that the 24 euro “classic” guitar my wife picked for me in Lidl at the time. It was a very thin margin. I honestly believe those two guitars caused my subsequent gaseous malady.

Happy NGDs enjoy.
