NGD - Ibanez AS-53 Artcore

Hi guys,
So i got the best Wedding-Anniversary gift ever: my wife took me to a huge music store and let me pick one. :face_with_peeking_eye::smile:

So, as I play a log of jazz and stuff like that I went for a hollow body guitar. I really must say, it is a huge difference comparing it to my squire bullet-strat. It just feels awesome, it is a lot easier to play the stuff I like and it also sounds a lot betterā€¦ I really canā€™t get my hands off it.

By the way - if you can ever get to ā€œThomannā€ - do it. It is the biggest guitar store in Europe, I think I almost cried when I entered the room for guitars. :joy:



That looks like fun! Congratulations!

Ibanez make killer guitars, for sure. Congrats!

Hi Mate,

What a great wife and a great looking guitar :+1: and that store looks epic, Iā€™m putting on my list of places to visit the next time Iā€™m over that way :+1:

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Sweet looking instrument Kevin, happy NGD!!
Thereā€™s so many hollow / semi hollow guitar popping up at the moment it seems, all too tempting :wink:

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Hi Kevin,
Happy NGD :partying_face: :sunglasses:
Really nice looks :sunglasses:

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Looks wonderful. Needless canā€™t wait to hear it in AVOYP :wink:

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Well I just say, the new song I am learning is really easier to play on that one. I would have never thought what of a difference a great instrument makesā€¦

Donā€™t resist! :smile:

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There are few things that can up your game like a quality instrument. Looks like you picked a beauty!

Congrats on finding a guitar that really speaks to you. Wish you many happy hours with it. I love my Artcore Expressionist semi-hollow (along with my other Ibanez guitars).

Man, thatā€™s a great anniversary guitar Kevin.
Your wife sure treats you right.

Thatā€™s a great looking guitar you choose too.
Wondering though.
You called it a hollow body.
Ibenez calls it a hollow body. Real hard to argue with the manufacturer.
My question is?
Is it hollow or semi hollow? Iā€™m reading conflicting info on the www as to which way it is.
Iā€™ve not seen many hollow bodies with a stop tail. Most seem to have the trapeze type tail. If itā€™s really hollow, is there a support block of wood under the stop tail to have it screwed down good?
Either way, a great choice. I love the color of yours.

Iā€™m for sure partial to hollow as my main player is a Casino.
When I was guitar shopping, the AS-53 was on my radar for sure. I mostly ended up with the Casino due to itā€™s p90 pickups and that itā€™s a hollow body. That combo works tone wise for me.

Have fun and make beautiful music with your Anniversary present for many years to come.

ooh, very nice! I really like that whole Artcore line of products. Iā€™ve looked at the acoustics before and thought they were nice.

Happy NGD. Looks awesome. Enjoy

What a cracker, happy NGD !