NGD Latest unnecessary toy

Saw this advertised as used and as a leftie its pretty tricky trying to find things. Hopefully may be a bit easier than wrestling with my LP (copy)
I may have a sicknessā€”guitar number 6 and i haven`t been playing a year yet !!


Thatā€™s my favorite color for an SG!!!
Donā€™t worry Tom, itā€™s not a sickness, itā€™s just a harmless obsession!!! :crazy_face:
I wonā€™t tell how bad it is here but will say that I literally donā€™t have any room for another oneā€¦.

What am I saying??? Thereā€™s ALWAYS room for just ONE more teensy-tiny guitarā€¦ hmmmm :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
I donā€™t have any SGs yetā€¦ā€¦


Hi Tom,
Happy NGD :partying_face: :sunglasses:

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Thatā€™s a really good guitar you got. I have its older brother, so to speak, Standard '61 model. Wanted to get an Epi Les Paul, but the color I wanted was absent and SG was cheaper, so I bought it and havenā€™t regretted once.
It just screams ā€œrockā€™nā€™rollā€ with its look and I love it. And the higher fret access is amazing, even though that part of the fretboard rarely sees any action.

@metramaks Yupā€“I wont be using the higher frets for a while though. Just breaking into grade 2 Can1t believe its used -looks brand new and the shop set it up before posting as well -half the price of a new one.

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They made that backwards! youā€™ll need to play it in a mirror.

How stable is tuning? My neck is very flexible and I need to be very careful not to push or pull on it. I have wondered if it is the neck unsupported length from the body being longer.

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I donā€™t understand the word ā€˜unnecessaryā€™ in the subject title. :thinking: :wink: Of course 6 guitars in less than a year is a pretty steep (but fun) trajectory. :grin: Happy NGD!


@sequences haven`t had it long enough yet to answer but sounds awesome

Very nice! That is a really clean looking SG and congrats on finding a leftie! I feel for you and think that guitar companies are doing all lefties a disservice by not make more left handed guitars.

@TheCluelessLuthier Too steep perhaps but there is nothing super expensive. One good Acoustic (Alvarez) and a couple of cheap leccys

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@Richard_N I tried to buy from a shop to try first as everyone recommends but in the whole of Scotland there were no more than a handful for sale. Thankfully most outlets now have good returns policy

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How can a new guitar be deemed unnecessary!!?

:rofl: Good on you Tom, youā€™ve nearly got one for each day of the week now, one to go! Happy NGD!


Donā€™t worry you are not sick, this is quite normal. Sweet looking SG, enjoy !
Happy NGD.


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Mine stays in tune pretty well, even after a lot of bending. And neck is solid enough. Though you absolutely can slightly change the pitch by gently pressing or pulling it and I actually do it in Nothing Else Matters intro.

Isnā€™t it great? Enjoy your new (and totally necessary) guitar and have fun.

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Happy NGD! Nice looking SG :guitar:

I ended up with 5 guitars in 2.5 years, so not that far behind you :wink: :laughing:

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Lefties rule! Six for a year in isā€¦quite a hefty number yeah but if you can and want; yeah! :smiley:

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Congrats, very nice.

I sold my LP for a SG and happy with that choice as the LP was too heavy for my liking. Iā€™m not playing my SG much at the moment but thatā€™s just because Iā€™m playing mainly acoustic for now rather than anything wrong with the guitar. Iā€™ll definitely get back to mine in the future

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Couldnā€™t agree more! :laughing:

I once thought about buying a sg myself, but found the weight of the neck too much, in comparison to the body. The guitar i tried, just ā€œtippedā€ over.
Howā€™s the balance on this one?
6 guitars? No way near enoughā€¦ actually, it never isā€¦ :rofl:

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Sweet! Sheā€™s beautiful Tom! Nice find! :guitar:
Happy NGD! :partying_face:
I donā€™t think GAS is a sickness :laughing:

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