NGD! My first acoustic - Yamaha

Good shout! They do look lovely

Happy NGD Paul. Very nice. I expect some Johnny Cash from you now. :stuck_out_tongue:


Nice piece of kit, they’re a great easy to play guitar and are very flexible in what you can do with them. I have a friend who has one and she mostly uses it plugged in to add some fx for “mood music” it works really well!

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Very nice! I really don’t think you can go wrong with Yamaha guitars. In fact all their music kit is top notch. I quite fancy the Revstar electrics, something about the shape.

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Hi Paul,
I too made the same choice of acoustic guitar, I do hope you enjoy playing yours as much as I do.
Good luck, Peter.


Sweet! That’s an attractive guitar :heart_eyes:
Congrats and happy NGD! :guitar: :tada:

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What a BEAUTY!

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