NGD Taylor 110e

Hello everyone :blush: !

So after saving up for a while now and I have purchased a new Taylor 110e after about 2hours of trying guitars.

(sorry for the poor quality image EDIT: nvm my phone is poor quality:Dd)

I was about to purchase an Seagull Coastline Momentum A/E HG but decided with the Taylor cause I vibe’d with it more and it sounded more full. You get what I’m saying :smiley: ?
Love it and will now continue my guitar journey to becoming somewhat decent:Dd
Hope you all have a great and safe day!

Cheers from Lithuania,


Congratulations on the new Taylor. Bonding with a guitar is a very important feature most people over look.


Congrats Karolis and Happy NGD. Looks fantastic and it’s very cool to hear you really took your time to find the one that felt like yours, it’s the best and (imo) only way to know you’re getting what you want.
Looking forward to hearing it!!

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Lovely guitar. Will this be the one on which you write your album based on all your problems - as you say in your profile header?

All the best.

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Most likely yeah!

Now I’m learning/re-learning all of my favorite songs on this. And will try to put all of that experience (and problems!) from my life into something heartfelt or funny.

If I’m feeling brave might also post them here or on YouTube.

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Congratulations, nice looking guitar

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Hi Karolis,
Happy NGD :sunglasses: :partying_face:
I wish you a lot of time together :smiley:

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Hi Karolis! Very happy NGD! Enjoy your new guitar and have a lot of fulfilling time together!

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Happy NGD Karolis, looks lovely, Hope you have many years of pleasure from it.

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Happy NGD Karolis. Looks great and I hope you can write some heartfelt songs while playing it.

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Happy NGD, Karolis! Have lots of fun and joyful moments with your new guitar. :slight_smile:

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