NGD Taylor MIni GS

As per my other post ( downsizing) this arrived today. Hopefully this will help with my injury.


Interesting grain on the top. What kind of wood is that? Looks good!

@Fast-Eddie Its Mahogony . I agree it looks nice—not the best photo though

Enjoy, should be great, love my little Taylor (mine’s a grand theatre which I believe is only marginally bigger than a GS mini)

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Hi Tom,
Happy NGD :partying_face: :sunglasses:

I hope you could play a lot on it :crossed_fingers:


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It looks wonderful, Tom! :slight_smile:

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Happy NGD!

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Happy NGD Tom!!!
I hope you have a good time with your new 6-stringed friend… it’s a real BEAUTY!!!


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Happy NGD.

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Happy NGD! :partying_face: :partying_face:

Wish you lots of joy playing away! :smiley:

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congrats on a great get!
As many of my guitar playing friends have told me 'You can’t go wrong with a Taylor".
Should be just what the doctor ordered for your recovery.

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Happy NGD! I’m a proud owner of a GS Mini too. You’re going to love it. Congrats!

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Happy NGD. Love the look of the top. Happy strumming.

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She looks a beauty Tom, enjoy and happy NGD!

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Happy NGD Tom, nice bit of grain in that Mahogany! I’ve always liked Mahogany top acoustic guitars, they seem to have a mellower tone - enjoy it, I hope it helps with your shoulder!

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Happy NGD, Tom! Hope you have a lot of fun and some relief for your arm! Great looking guitar!

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Good enough photo for us to appreciate it, looks great.

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Hi tommion

I’ve had mine GS mini for over a year. Playing my old dread’ was getting painful back issues so move to a mini. It’s really helped and my playing has become more a joy than a painful exercise. I really hope it helps you. The guitar looks stunning btw.

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Happy NGD. Tom. That is a really beauty.

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